Just Hired by Clinique


New member
Okay ladies today I was offered a part-time day spot for Clinique. I was so excited until they told me the hourly rate :( I will get 3% commission of my sales though. Do you feel your commission check makes a huge difference with your salary? I am a makeup artist with experience and my talent interview was said to be very good so just a little bummed about the salary. Your thoughts are welcomed any Clinique Consultants. TIA


Well-known member
The nice thing about commission is that you control (in part) how much you make. If you want to make more, recruit, link sell, sit more consultations. If you'll be working in a busy store it's even easier (I work the other end of the spectrum, in a DEAD mall and it's pretty hard to recruit clients when there isn't a soul in the entire mall LOL). Gift time and Holiday's of course are easy money.

Working a counter is more about sales than make up artistry, so take that into consideration.

Good luck :)


Active member

Working a counter is more about sales than make up artistry, so take that into consideration.

Good luck :)

This is SO true. They don't care how good you are at makeup, you need to be able to SELL.