^^ ROFL! I wonder what that guy was trying to prove with his little trick haha.
My friends and I have had our fair share of creepers as we like to call them.
The one that stands out the most would have to be an ex of mines. Now this guy was just psycho period. He'd flip out on me over something so little or I didn't have any control over (one time it was because I couldn't come out because I was sick, yes sick and he didn't even care!) and go on a screaming rampage on the phone for about 5 10 minutes before hanging up. Then I could expect a phone call a few minutes later with him apologizing and acting like NOTHING had happened. Well quite frankly, he was freaking me out and I wanted to get rid of him but thought that if I broke up with him he'd just freak and go ballistic. So I thought it would be better if I did stupid little things all the time to get him to break up with me and that would be that. So my plan worked, he did break up with me but not even a week had passed by and he wanted to get back together with me! Uhh, HELL NO. So I just told him no and that it was really over and done with and yes he completely goes ape shit on me. This goes on for a while with him regularly messaging me, he even starts to say that he's going to come to my house and stay outside until I decide to come out of the house. Or that he'd follow me whenever I would go out and yeah this is the cherry on top, that if I was out and on my way home walking he would get someone to rape me and that it wouldn't be him though doing it. Yeah, complete f*ucking psycho. So basically what happened was I called the cops on him and they for some reason made me feel like I was the criminal here but they did tell him to leave me alone. Again I thought that was that then but oh no he ended up going to the mall on the same day that I was planning on going with some friends (made the mistake of posting my daily where abouts that day on aim for my friends to meet up with me). When he saw me him and his friend CHASE me around literally. On my way out of the mall he told me that "If you have sh*t to say to me say it to my face." WTF?! Uhhh ok, just leave me alone.
Thats not the end of it though, occasionally I'd see him or his friend Adam who was with him when he chased me around the mall foodcourt around. If it was just Adam, he'd always try to act all nice to me and get me to get into his car. F*ck no dude. He would also go around telling every guy he'd meet and buddy up with everything about me. A few of the guys I actually ended up going to school with and they always ask me if I knew Jeff (the piece of sh*t's name) and would go on to tell me what he had said to them about me. And oh this is like 2 3 years after we broke up too! The last time he contacted me was after he told me he seen me at the mall or Adam had (no one approached me though so good) and wanted to know about where I got my boots at and stuff. And after telling him that I did not want to speak to him as nice as I could possibly can yes he goes crazy on me. He starts typing telling me to leave HIM alone and that I was threatening him and that he is going to save our convo and alter it and turn it into the cops and get me arrested. Okay, so there going to believe some wack ass guy with a long criminal record before the age of 18 over someone with a completely clean slate? I think not. But thank goodness that was the last time he has contacted me. Obsessive, very much?
And oh theres tons more of weirdos that me and my friends have encountered but I think this post is long enough lol. sorry if it bored you lol!