I am sorry you are going thru this situation. As an old lady who has been widowed, in love and lust and lost, and then happily re-married, I will tell you this:
1. If a man really cares about and loves you, he will do anything in his power NOT to hurt you.
2. This man is either not a real man yet (immature) and is into himself and not you, or he is just not really in love with you.
Yes, I am speaking of love, affection, feelings.. things which have a lot to do with good sex. Good sex is not love or affection. I have had great sex with a man who lied to me about his age and turned out to be 24 years older than I was. Lying is easy for men when they want sex.
If you want to be his girlfriend, tell him so. Tell him your conditions, or else.
Walk away for awhile and as much pain as you will feel, you will be happier later. Men can be toxic for us and if this man just brings out your insecurities, i.e. is he sleeping with someone else, i.e. you cannot see anyone else -- he is putting you into emotional jail.
As hard as this sounds, walk away now with your sanity and start again.. it will be painful. This guy sounds like a lost cause.
Best of luck