Kanye West at VMA's..DOUCHEBAG!


Well-known member
Is what Taylor aings really considered country? Sounds more like a wayyyy better Miley Cyrus type music to me
Why is everyone making a big deal outta it? Didnt he do the same thing 3 years ago in Europe?

What Kanye did is not suprising, he has this attitude like he's entitled to everything, idk wtf kind of upbrining he has, but really, I don't care

I wish Beyonce would go away! OMG, I remember back when I was like 12 it was J.lo who was overrated and EVERYWHERE! Don't these people know when to quit?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SuSana
^^Hahahaha! Did you make that?

LOL, no, I just helped him find his way over here


Well-known member
i only got back from paris yesterday and when i went on perez hilton this was all over it! the guy is a class a ass. however i knew that before he pulled this crap. i really like taylor's music (one guy at work got me into her!) but at least she has handelled herself very well trhough all of this. very mature for her age.


Well-known member
Sorry I am late on this but my internet got messed up for a minute. I really like Kanye West's music but he reminds me of a little bratty kid. He probably didn't get enough hugs growing up. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I personally thought that Lady Gagas performance was creepy. Does that mean someone should go on stage and be rude to her? No. I wish someone would do that to him if he EVER won an award. Taylor Swift sells more records than Beyonce and Kanye so, quit hating.

Jackie O

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
I wish Beyonce would go away! OMG, I remember back when I was like 12 it was J.lo who was overrated and EVERYWHERE! Don't these people know when to quit?

lol Beyonce really does need to just disappear for a little while, or a few years! No offense! She started to get overrated a while ago