Kat Von D MAkeup !!!!


Well-known member
Thank you so much! She was born on Monday. Definitely easier than my first, but she doesn't like to let me sleep lol
Aww Congratulations. One of my really close friends celebrated her birthday on Monday and mine was Tuesday! She's a special baby hehe. Awww hopefully she will start to settle down soon so you can get some rest.


Well-known member
Aww Congratulations. One of my really close friends celebrated her birthday on Monday and mine was Tuesday! She's a special baby hehe. Awww hopefully she will start to settle down soon so you can get some rest.
Happy Born Day Shars!


Well-known member
Aww Congratulations. One of my really close friends celebrated her birthday on Monday and mine was Tuesday! She's a special baby hehe. Awww hopefully she will start to settle down soon so you can get some rest. :love:
Happy birthday!! Did you do anything special to celebrate? I was secretly hoping that she would be born on the second but no cigar. I'm just happy I have my little Junebug!
Thank you!


Well-known member
Aww Congratulations. One of my really close friends celebrated her birthday on Monday and mine was Tuesday! She's a special baby hehe. Awww hopefully she will start to settle down soon so you can get some rest. :love:
:con: :birthday: SHARS!!


Well-known member
Aww Congratulations. One of my really close friends celebrated her birthday on Monday and mine was Tuesday! She's a special baby hehe. Awww hopefully she will start to settle down soon so you can get some rest.
Hope you had a fantastic birthday, Shars! :)


Well-known member
Thank you so much! She was born on Monday. Definitely easier than my first, but she doesn't like to let me sleep lol
Congrats!!! Just remember to sleep when she sleeps. Haha. Put your oldest one in front of the TV and stay in your jamies for the next week if you have to. Just keep up on sleep!


Well-known member
Just thought I'd share this video with you guys. It's Kat Von D AND Kandee Johnson! All in one video!!! My two favorite makeup gurus.

It made me squee, anyway.



Well-known member
Congrats, storm! I hope you've had a good week with her so far. Your little Junebug, too cute!
:con: on the new baby.
Thank you so much ladies! I still can't believe she's here!
Congrats!!! Just remember to sleep when she sleeps. Haha. Put your oldest one in front of the TV and stay in your jamies for the next week if you have to. Just keep up on sleep!
Jammies are a must! Lol I've been savoring the odd time that both munchkins are asleep at the same time. I'm fortunate that their dad works from home so he's usually here to help (or take over, if I'm being honest) :haha:
Thank you! I spent the whole day being the ultimate sloth and it was awesome! My job is sometimes high-paced and taxing so it was good to just slow down. Then a whole set of my friends and I went out to dinner in the evening. It was great! Aww that would have been so great if she was born on the 2nd... She would have been my birthday twin! Is the 2nd a special day for you?
That sounds like the ideal day to me! I've become such a homebody in recent years, hanging out at home and then going out in the evening sounds perfect. My birthday is July 2, hence wishing she would also come on the 2nd. The first is good though, I call dibs on the bubbly on her champagne birthday! Lol :haha:


Well-known member
Thank you so much ladies! I still can't believe she's here! Jammies are a must! Lol I've been savoring the odd time that both munchkins are asleep at the same time. I'm fortunate that their dad works from home so he's usually here to help (or take over, if I'm being honest) :haha: That sounds like the ideal day to me! I've become such a homebody in recent years, hanging out at home and then going out in the evening sounds perfect. My birthday is July 2, hence wishing she would also come on the 2nd. The first is good though, I call dibs on the bubbly on her champagne birthday! Lol :haha:
Oh you're lucky! My kiddo just had her birthday, which is the busy time of year for her daddy (concrete) so I was the only one taking care of her. We had plenty of time to bond! Haha. Does your family live close?


Well-known member
Okay so, I heard SO much about Lolita and one time walked into a Sephora and saw they were in stock, so I tested it on my hand and was like eh, too brown... No thanks, I won't bother. Fast forward to last night, I saw it was in stock again at another store and I said to myself I would take the risk, as so many people love it. I tried it on and I actually LOVE how it looks! It's basically like my lip color, but darkened a shade or two with a hint of brown. I will try and take a photo later, but man, glad I grabbed it! I used it with the mauve Sephora brand lip liner and it worked out so well!