Kat Von D MAkeup !!!!


Well-known member
I'm so pissed!! I found out there was a huge charge on my card through PayPal. I called the bank to cancel my card and file a fraudulent charge so I won't be able to order anything for a while. Of course this has to happen when I was planning to buy some Colour Pop and KVD!! If the rest of the liquid lippies get released before I get my card I going to FLIP!!


Well-known member
Did you pick one up? I was hoping that the cost of the limited edition liner would be the same as the original, however, considering the packaging and the fact that the some of the proceeds are being donated, I can understand why the price was increased. I ordered two!


Well-known member
Did you pick one up? I was hoping that the cost of the limited edition liner would be the same as the original, however, considering the packaging and the fact that the some of the proceeds are being donated, I can understand why the price was increased. I ordered two!
I haven't yet. I will when I get off of work today.


Well-known member
I thought of picking it up but then she raised the price by 5 dollars for the packaging and is donating only a dollar from the proceeds??
yeah thats what i dont like
if she raised it by $2 would be ok
but this is a bit too much

though idk if the price is her call of sephoras


Well-known member
I thought of picking it up but then she raised the price by 5 dollars for the packaging and is donating only a dollar from the proceeds??
The $5 increase is quite off-putting considering that she is only donating a dollar from the proceeds. I didn't think there would be that much of an increase from the original price, even considering the donation amount. I thought at most, there would be at most $1 - $3 increase in the price. In addition, the original is listed at size .02 oz while this limited edition is listed at .019 oz, which means you get slightly less product. I'm assuming the packaging makes up most of the additional costs though.


Well-known member
I'm sure the packaging costs more money to make. 
Of course!! It just seems both the donation amount and the additional packaging amount is passed on to the end customer!! It could definitely have been a slight higher percentage donated or a larger version; something that adds value to the end customer as well!! I can always buy tattoo liner at the current cost and donate 5 dollars directly to the cause!! The packaging is nice but not really great to be keep sake either !!


Well-known member
The $5 increase is quite off-putting considering that she is only donating a dollar from the proceeds. I didn't think there would be that much of an increase from the original price, even considering the donation amount. I thought at most, there would be at most $1 - $3 increase in the price. In addition, the original is listed at size .02 oz while this limited edition is listed at .019 oz, which means you get slightly less product. I'm assuming the packaging makes up most of the additional costs though.
True!! I am Not against the price increase had the donation be proportionate! Just feels like she is passing in the entire cost to the end customer!!

honey on boost

Well-known member
Of course!! It just seems both the donation amount and the additional packaging amount is passed on to the end customer!! It could definitely have been a slight higher percentage donated or a larger version; something that adds value to the end customer as well!! I can always buy tattoo liner at the current cost and donate 5 dollars directly to the cause!! The packaging is nice but not really great to be keep sake either !!
That's what I did. I'll still buy multiple tattoo liners because I love it but I also work for a wildlife center in florida and donated directly to CA wildlife instead. I do appreciate that she's donating something though. Still very thoughtful!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Vineetha

True!! I am Not against the price increase had the donation be proportionate! Just feels like she is passing in the entire cost to the end customer!!

I think a $2 donation and $3 to cover the packaging would have been more reasonable to me as a customer based on the $5 price increase, or even the other way around. I think your idea of just purchasing the regular liner and donating the difference between the cost of it and the limited edition liner is a great idea. That way, you get the product and you've donated more.


Well-known member
My orders for the liners shipped! I can't wait to receive them, especially since I can't seem to find the sample of the tattoo liner I did have. I read that someone found it in store today so for those of you who may want to have it in hand sooner, call or check your local Sephora to see if they have it.


Well-known member
I ordered 2 as well - I definitely expected it to be more for the "brushed nickel" packaging but it better be damn nice for $24 lmao


Well-known member
I ordered 2 as well - I definitely expected it to be more for the "brushed nickel" packaging but it better be damn nice for $24 lmao
I hope it's as gorgeous in person as it is in pictures, especially after paying $48 for two! To make myself feel better about the purchase, I've reduced the amount I paid for each by the donation amount and the amount of cash back I'm supposed to receive for the purchases, lol.

I wonder how long it's going to take for it to sell out. I'm assuming since she is donating a dollar from each liner and she wants to raise $100,000, that it's limited to 100,000 liners.