Kat Von D MAkeup !!!!


Well-known member
I think Mother was already named when Rosemary's Baby was though, if I'm remembering that picture of all of them together (the lip swatches)
NUDES (11) You're right. Maybe Double Dare is Rosemary's Baby? IDK, it (DD) seems much more peachy to me in person than RB looks in the swatch we saw early on. Just like Mother did not look the same at all.


Well-known member
NUDES (11) You're right. Maybe Double Dare is Rosemary's Baby? IDK, it (DD) seems much more peachy to me in person than RB looks in the swatch we saw early on. Just like Mother did not look the same at all.
The name changes are so confusing! If it was like 5 new ones coming out it would be ok but when there's this many you start really remembering the names and now I'm so lost! Lol


Well-known member
I think Mother was already named when Rosemary's Baby was though, if I'm remembering that picture of all of them together (the lip swatches)
Yes, true. It's a bit tricky with the shade differentiation between the original images and what is being released now.

Dolly Snow


Speaking of Double Dare, here is my swatch of it! It's beautiful. Photos were taken facing an open window for direct sunlight. I can't wait to get more of these!


Well-known member
Everything I've read has said the 16th so I'm assuming at some point that day they will go online. The Jacqueline Hill highlighter was the first thing I stalked in a long time and it went up around 11:55am (est) but they said beforehand that it was set to release at noon, so I was ready. Not giving a set time makes me nervous so I always check at midnight and then wake up early lol. The last time new KVD stuff released it was around 9am I believe. (The day the brow pens, new liners and everything came out)


Well-known member
I definitely want Ayesha and Requiem. Rosemary's Baby was also on my "need" list, but now I'm worried because we don't know which one it is lol


Well-known member
I definitely want Ayesha and Requiem. Rosemary's Baby was also on my "need" list, but now I'm worried because we don't know which one it is lol
Well the good news is at least we can narrow it down to being one of the two new names- Double Dare or Beloved. I'm gonna try and go to sephora tomorrow morning and swatch some of these so I can do some comparisons to what I have in my stash. That's why I passed on Mother. Love the name but the SA and I were walking around sephora swatching the colors I was listing as already having too many of and Mother was in the same family as all of them, lol.


Well-known member
Yeah see that's why I'm trying to keep it narrowed down to only a few. As much as I love them, I am getting too many of the same colors all the time, especially with all the liquid lipsticks I've been getting lately lol! I definitely don't have anything close to Ayesha and Requiem just looks too pretty to pass up. I wish my Sephora would hurry up and put at least SOME of them out so I can check them out in person!


Well-known member
I narrowed my list down to just Rosemary's Baby but the rename is throwing me off because the lip swatch for Rosemary's Baby and the swatch for Double Dare don't really match up. Who knows, though. I wish Kat would say something about the renames, lol.

Mother also looks appealing but I'd need to see more swatches first.


Well-known member
I narrowed my list down to just Rosemary's Baby but the rename is throwing me off because the lip swatch for Rosemary's Baby and the swatch for Double Dare don't really match up. Who knows, though. I wish Kat would say something about the renames, lol. Mother also looks appealing but I'd need to see more swatches first.
That's the thing...A lot of the swatches we are seeing compared to the product in the store don't match up. I feel like some of them have been pretty accurate like Echo, Exorcism & Damned. With some of the lighter ones though, not so much. Best bet is to see them in person.


Well-known member
According to Kat, the Metallic liquid lipsticks will be out in December with the Metal Crush collection. So I'm hoping that's when the metallic shadows come out too. December is going to be an expensive month :/


Well-known member
Eeee just called my Sephora in JCP and they have double dare! Its on hold for me, and I'll poke around to see what else they have :) Maybe I'll get a few!