Originally Posted by glam8babe
sorry but how is being quiet and shy BORING? ive always been shy and brought up not to be rude or anything. I hate loud people they are just annoying. and im nowhere near boring i love having fun and im not shy around my friends, boyfriend or family. i just dont like being loud and 'in your face' type around strangers and meeting new people. im just polite like that
I think you misunderstood the point of her post. I think she was aiming more for a she is boring because she comes off as very shy (remember when she didn't even want to come on stage on the oh so famous,couch jumping "Oprah"Segment with Tom ? she also hasn't really done too much for herself lately(or anything big since dawsons creek, in which she played a shy girl..) . She also carrys herself in a very "shy " or not very confident way.. Although with this new hair cut she seems to have quite a bit more confidence!
Plus, People who are very shy especially women, come off as being bitchy or rude, also people who are very loud come off as rude as well, so you kind of have to fall somewhere in the middle.
I personally think she is looking waay to much liker her little BFF, Victoria
I like this haircut , Not everyone can pull it off though. It was popular way before "Mrs becks" got it though. at least.. around here it was.