Keeping the little ones entertained on a plane


Well-known member
We are flying home in July. This will be the first time my daughter has her own seat. She has been on a plane twice before and it wasn't fun. Anyone have any advice or ideas on how to keep her entertained on the plane? (She's two btw) I wish I had a portable dvd, but I don't nor do I want to buy one. I figured books are good? Ugh, not looking forward to this, the flight is 4 hours.


Active member
Hmmm.. Coloring Books, Pages she can color on? im not to sure what the Airplane Regulations are as to what your not aloud to bring on the plane iv never flown,

But Hmm.. Try bringing snacks and stuff to keep her kinda busy, Books so u can read to her umm.. Some sorta small Compact toys that you could bring onto the plane..


Well-known member
How ever long your flight is.... Go to the dollar store and load up on new toys... 1 for every hour or every half hour.... and a couple that you think will entertain her for more time.... Then wrap up a bunch of them and put em in a bag ... for every 30 mins to an hour or how ever long you think that she is "good" she gets to pick a wrapped toy .... My son is two ... and we make a 2 hour drive frequently .... Leap pad toys are GREAT... those will entertain him for hours.... and you might try to fix her schedual to where nap will be needed during the trip.... she may fall asleep and cut out and hour or two.... be sure to bring chewing gum ( for popping ears) and motion sickness medicine....


Well-known member
i fly every 3 months with my neice (she'll be three in july), and i take my ipod. that way i've got music to listen to if she falls asleep on the plane, and if she's awake, i bring up a movie for her. i've got lots of disney movies stored on there. they're her fave.


Well-known member
a few new toys mixed with a few "comfort" toys that she's used to. i flew with my daughter last month who's 16 months, and that helped for most of the flight until she fell asleep, but sometimes there's really nothing you can do. she wanted to walk around but i couldn't let her. lots of snacks are good too. hopefully during the flight is her naptime so she can fall asleep. good luck!


Well-known member
Books on CD that she can listen to on headphones, and colouring books...those were my fav long-distance plane activities when I was a young'un.

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