Keyboard Courage


Well-known member
I don't understand internet bashing sites. Specifically, the one linked to Makeup Alley. Those of you who post over there know what I'm talking about.

I post on the makeup board. I don't get into arguments..and honestly, I don't get that involved with whoever is "in" or "cool". And then I'm notified that my name has popped up on the bash board.

They've called me, so far, a crackwhore, a cunt, a twat, a meth addict, disgusting, and called my wedding dress horrible. They're also making fun of me for admitting to having an eating disorder in a thread where a poster was honestly asking for help.

My question. Why do people do this? What's the point? I haven't said anything mean to anyone...I haven't gotten in any fights...I talk about lipgloss and blush, and this is what I get? What did I do wrong?

I read through it, to see what was going on there, after I was mentioned. Wow. They say horrible things about people who do nothing. And no one is there to defend them. So I posted and said "Fuck you, bitches. Come say it to my face, you cowardly hags". Not the most productive, I know- but I want whoever is there to know that I am not a doormat. Maybe I should have ignored it. But I think ignoring a place like that just gives it permission to go on and on. Why don't more people speak out against it? Why don't people stand up for themselves? Now, you can reason that ignoring it just makes the bullies move on- but they just move on to someone else who doesn't deserve it either. Why is an entire site, dedicated to defamation and slander,(using plenty of ethnic slurs, etc) allowed to exist? Freedom of speech? Wow...

And maybe someone who posts there is reading this. Maybe you even bashed me. Well, guess what. It worked. You hurt me. Does that make you feel better about yourself?

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Honestly I don't know why people would do that besides maybe they're having a bad day and lash out at anyone who they think is vulnerable and would just take it. Even though it hurts, try not to let it bother you because they mean nothing in your life anyway.


Well-known member
That's so pathetic. How bored can someone possibly be!?!?! That is the biggest example of needing to get a life I've ever heard.
They are weak people that can only feel tough while hiding behind a computer. I assure you those losers wouldn't have the balls to say any of it to your face.
Drama queens... want me to beat em up for ya?


Well-known member
Seriously the best thing to do is ignore them.
They are a bunch of pathetic losers who have nothing better to do then try to impress each other with how many bad words they know *rolls eyes* I sort of feel bad for them-if their lives are that pathetic they feel they must do this sort of stuff. But you know what? file it under THEIR problem and ignore it.

As Elenore Roosevelt (I think) said- No one can hurt you unless you allow them to.

The best thing you can do is ignore it and keep posting on MUA.


Well-known member
Keyboard courage is generally the indicator of a sad and lonely individual. Don't let it get you down.


Well-known member
My question. Why do people do this? What's the point? I haven't said anything mean to anyone...I haven't gotten in any fights...I talk about lipgloss and blush, and this is what I get? What did I do wrong?

people do it because they are so insecure about their own self, that making fun of other people online make them feel better, but in reality they look like assholes. Even having a bad day is absolutely NO reason to talk shit.Just ignore it. people like that LOVE drama, and if they see it doesnt bother you, it will just make them mad, and still looking like an asshole.

trust me you are not what they say. dont let it get to you

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Take message board communications like MUA lightly. Don't get worked up over it. The Internet is largely a place where people who don't have the balls to ask you to politely stop an irritating behavior will go to be the bullies. I guarantee most of them are cowards.

You have to look at things in the grander scheme. How are these girls affecting your real life? Besides upsetting you, that is. I don't think they are/can. I would just ignore it and move on. If I fought every battle where someone called me a whore, cunt, bitch, slut, etc., I would never have time to do anything else. The only ones I bother with are the ones when "friends" call me that.


Well-known member
I am sorry this has happened to you and I think that people who talk shit about others on the internet without knowing them are not worth a minute of your time. But what i dont understand is - you posted on MUA. Now there's members who call you names there? Or is it completely different site and you dont even know who did that and dont want to go back on MUA cause you cant trust the members anymore? (I'm not asking for the exact site, I just dont understand it

Just keep in mind those people dont know you and therefore, they cant judge you or hurt you and if they wanna go and try... what goes around comes around hun!! I know that doesnt really help you now but keep in mind there's more important people than them and what really matters happens offline

I think a similiar thing once happened to Spencho, she started a thread "perfect example of people dying to create drama online".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharyn
I am sorry this has happened to you and I think that people who talk shit about others on the internet without knowing them are not worth a minute of your time. But what i dont understand is - you posted on MUA. Now there's members who call you names there? Or is it completely different site and you dont even know who did that and dont want to go back on MUA cause you cant trust the members anymore? (I'm not asking for the exact site, I just dont understand it

It's a board separate from MUA where members go and post anonymous mean things about other posters on MUA. I don't know who is doing it. It could even be someone I thought was my friend. Oh well.


Well-known member
People who have to belittle others from the safety of their own home behind the anonymity of their computer monitors and screennames are just gum on the bottom of my shoe. I've been called fat, ugly, etc from posting FOTDs here and on MySpace, and quite frankly, I just let it roll off. the people who do it are abundantly low in self esteem, self respect, and self worth.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Playground geeks turned internet bullies...


Exactly what I thought

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
It's a board separate from MUA where members go and post anonymous mean things about other posters on MUA. I don't know who is doing it. It could even be someone I thought was my friend. Oh well.

I wouldn't go back to that board again. It's not worth it, and as tempting as it is (believe me, I've been there when I know "friends" like to talk trash about me in livejournal and I want to look), you have to learn to let it go. It'll eat you up inside. It's cliche, but if you continue to involve yourself in their petty games, even by looking at the board, you're letting them win. I can guarantee they aren't letting this emotionally affect their lives the way you are.


Well-known member
Lame. Only someone completely lacking in self worth participates in that kind of online bullying. Just be secure in the knowledge that they are probably social rejects that can't make friends in real life and need to be anonymous and invisible to be "big."


Well-known member
I know what you're talking about. I don't post of MUA (the site layout kind turned me off cuz it looked confusing to find stuff) but I joined a group on myspace to keep me entertained while I'm at work (along with specktra) and all they do is bash each other and start fights! It's so strange to me. They never let things go either they continue the fight/the bashing when someone starts a thread that has nothing to do with any of it. I resigned from that group and I'm sticking to specktra.

Hate to be blunt but FUCK THEM! How lame are you to bash someone on the internet?! It's not like you're having a discussion or a debate or anything. So what if they think your dress was horrible ... did you ask their opinion?! Why would the webmaster allow a section for bashing on their site?! I'd just take myself out of that forum.


Well-known member
I've noticed that type of behaviour all over the Internet. And it seems the more outgoing and confident you are, the worse they are. It's like, "what right do you have to be so sure of yourself, and happy? I mean, wtf!?"

I think everyone's already hit the nail on the head: they're such miserable, insecure people, they have to tear others down. They think it makes them feel more powerful and in control of their lives, when really, they're exposing their own weak backsides for the whole world to kick.

I sometimes want to rail against people for this behaviour (which I have even seen on Specktra - celebrities are people too, y'all - you know who you are). But, what's the point? They're so full of rage that calling them on it makes them rabidly defensive. There's no talking to people in that state of mind. You will always lose, cos you've sunk to their level.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
The best thing you can do is ignore it and keep posting on MUA.

seriously. Don't add fuel to the fire. Keep your head up!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzcelaneous
seriously. Don't add fuel to the fire. Keep your head up!

Totally agree....remember:

"no audience, no performance."


Well-known member
ljflamecup is the same sort of thing i'm assuming, since i'm not familiar with MUA.
it's really sad to thing that people have that much time on their hands, and they make fun of the people that are just trying to feel better about themselves by having an interest in make up, something that allows self-expression, creativity, and has the ability to transform one's mood. maybe they think we're the insecure ones, covering our faces with make up, but to me, theirs is right out there, hidden under cruel words that make them look more powerful (ao they think) yet scream their own self-hatred.
ignore them. they're jealous of the security you have to put yourself out there.


Well-known member
Wow. At first, I thought you meant people were bashing you on (I have an account there, but I only lurk, never post) and I thought "Well, it doesn't seem like they would allow that sort of thing there." Then I read the rest of the thread and I googled "makeup alley bash site" and I found it. Ha, the things you never knew existed...a site that allows people to bash people from an online makeup community. Thats just lame period. I mean do these people have no life? It kinda reminds me of rampant road rage...a waste of energy. I'm sorry that they hurt your feelings, but you are right...if they had any balls they would say it to you and not on some pathetic (hidden) bash site.
I just really think it sucks that you opened yourself up to help someone with an eating disorder and they are making fun of you? That is just wrong. I read some more of the posts on there and there is a lot of racism and ignorance...I dunno about you but the opinions of people who are racist and ignorant aren't very meaningful to me.