Knight Devine plus...which blue?


Well-known member

Recently starting loving Knight Devine for my blue eyes, fair skin, dark brown hair. A MUA friend of mine suggested I pair it with a blue, but then flew off to distant lands without giving me specifics. Any suggestions? I'm skittish about blue -- always think it's counter-intuitive with blue eyes - -but am happy to be wrong. Thoughts? Or any suggestions for other great gray tones out there?


Well-known member
I know this thread is about Knight Devine, and you said that you're skeptical with putting blue on blue eyes.. Well I have blue eyes and when i put bluish colors like teal or jewel blue, it makes my eyes pop out

also, i'd suggest using the color that people say is good on blue eyes, which is brown. and pair up that brown with a certain blueish color. I pair up Subtle pigment with Teal pigment and it looks really nice and makes my eyes pop

sorry, i didn't anwser your question about knight devine, but i hope the other stuff i mentioned helps


Well-known member
i agree with ccarp001, Tilt would look fabulous with Knight Devine! Fade would as well. something like Surreal or Zonk Bleu! would be nice, i think
and no worries about blue on blue eyes. i have green eyes and use green shadows all the time, it's not so much about the's more about the application


Well-known member
Steamy! or Shimmermoss...same thing, really.

also, purples with Knight Divine like Nocturnelle and Sketch and Trax work well on me. i have blue eyes.