Laser Hair Removal


Well-known member
Indigowaters you are looking HOT!!! Horray for permanent hair removal, I'm in love with it

I've started working part time in a salon which offers yet another type of hair removal, it's called ELOS. There I've been taught that the reason some hair removal systems may not seem to work is that they concentrate their energy into the visable hair instead of the energy working it's way down the shaft into the root.

Now I can't vouch for ELOS cause it's new to me, but I can say 100% that Laser IS working for me, it looks to me that I may only need one more go and then maybe I'll start on my legs. Also I have never had any burns, marks etc


Oh wow, this thread makes me want to schedule an appointment at my derm to get laser hair removal on my armpits. I'm a very pale girl and I have dark, brown hair so my armpits always have that 5 o'clock shadow thing going no matter if I shave everyday or not. They also look really bumpy thanks to where the hair follicle is growing in. I think I'll have a talk with my derm about laser hair removal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Arc
Oh wow, this thread makes me want to schedule an appointment at my derm to get laser hair removal on my armpits. I'm a very pale girl and I have dark, brown hair so my armpits always have that 5 o'clock shadow thing going no matter if I shave everyday or not. They also look really bumpy thanks to where the hair follicle is growing in. I think I'll have a talk with my derm about laser hair removal.

Argh!! The enemy of mine too!! I can tell you right now I'm with you. I had my underarms lasered only once and it's made a difference-it no longer grows in as dark.

I used to shave my underarms every day-until I discovered it actually works better to do it every OTHER day, that way when you do shave you actually don't get the "shadow". Give it a try.

Also, because you are shaving them every day essentially you're taking off a layer of skin-I bet if you stopped shaving your underarms for a week you'd get some scabbing.

Nowadays if I know I'll be wearing something sleeveless I try to plan it so the day before I skip shaving, exfoliate and go about my day then the morning of I'll shave and it looks great.

I also reccomend high time bump stopper (extra strength) to help combat red bumps. It really works.


Active member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
Ok. I forgot this thread existed. Lol. Well, I went back and got my lip done. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I can really tell the difference now in my FOTDs.

Before: (look at the sides and lip)


How did everything turn out? Any progress pics? Did your results "last"? I had this done ( 6 treatments) when I was in Atlanta like 5 years ago, but "the cat came back" lol. My services were rendered by a nurse and she was very afraid of burning my NC50/NW45 skin even with the laser you used.


Ya this Laser Treatment are very good Way For Hair Removal,after doing this my hair Regrowth after a Long Period Of Time,I Wanna a Share With You How Long We Should Wait between Each Laser Treatment For Hair Removal:

There is no fixed criterion for interval between the sittings. Generally 6-8 weeks is needed in between the intial sittings. Later-on the interval will increase.
You can say it;s working for you if the number(density) is reduced, or regrowth rate is slow i.e. around 2-4 months or the hairs are thinning.
Generally 60-70% hair reduction can be expected after 6-8 sittings. Regrowth is in the tune of 10-20% for which you need maintainence sittings.

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