Lashes won't stick


Hi all ,

i'm wondering if you have any recommendations for me. I have really watery eyes and when I try to put on lashes with Duo (surgical adhesive), the water gets to it and they won't stick on all day!!! even if I take them off and re do them then my eyes get irritated even more. then the bottom eyeliner starts coming off

Is there anything I can do to make them stick still?


Well-known member
I assume you are referring to the corners of the lashes -- this is usually the hardest to pin down. If you want to avoid corners (especially the inner corner which is where the eye curves) use smaller lashes, like Ardell #305 or 303 which are half lashes and only go on the outer edges.. Duo glue is probably one of the best out there so just practice a bit with smaller lashes


Originally Posted by HerGreyness
I assume you are referring to the corners of the lashes -- this is usually the hardest to pin down. If you want to avoid corners (especially the inner corner which is where the eye curves) use smaller lashes, like Ardell #305 or 303 which are half lashes and only go on the outer edges.. Duo glue is probably one of the best out there so just practice a bit with smaller lashes

Yes, I was referring to the inner corners. I was really hoping to use long lashes from inner to outer corner. I've tried it on my friends and it works like a charm but their eyes don't water.

Does anyone else have any recommendations? Is there something I can use on the inner corners to make them stick better?


Well-known member
You are most welcome!!!!

Even if you don't have the courtesy to say thanks -- anyone else have any suggestions???

The problem is dear that you might have an opthamalogical problem imo -- and you might need to check into that first.


Well-known member
you can use hair glue which sticks AMAZINGLY well, and is black. ive never liked duo much...i either use hair glue or spirit gum.


Well-known member
i learned a neat little trick from vintageortacky from youtube:

use a brush to paint on the glue (like eyeliner) and then stick it on when it gets tacky. that way you dont have to make sure the lashes are positioned correctly (stubborn corners). just follow the glue! =)

its especially hard for me to put on lashes because of my monolid, so my eyelid usually just morphs the entire lash strip if i blink before its dried.
i found the above trick really helps, especially with my eyeshape.