LE items that are left at your store


Well-known member
The MAC counter at The Bay in Scarborough Town Centre still has a few lipglasses from the Patternmaker and Lure collection. They probably have a couple more items from the collections during the past year if you call and ask them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bAbY_cHiCkEn01
OMG! I know this is NOT supposed to go here but can someone CP a jewelmarine glitter... Is it possible to contact one of you gals for a cp or soooommmmmmmeeeettthhhhinnnnngggggg! LOL... Oh and Beauty Sleep and Wait Til Dark e/s's...

*FORGIVE ME MODS, I really NNEEEEEDD that glitter*

the counter i work at still has all three of those... our phone number is 303-799-3400 if you want to do a phone order, it's like 8.95 to ship things, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by medusalox
I snagged 2 Petticoats from my favorite store in Deer Park, IL....in October 2006.
I was pretty happy. They usually have random leftovers, I know they still have nearly all of Couture out right now....

Could u perhaps give me the number for that place? I'll pay for S&H!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHluvsMAC
We just sent everything back to vendor...

Which means...coming soon to a CCO near you.


Well-known member
I just had MAC RoseAura perfumed shipped to me from Reno!!! I had gone there about a month ago and they had tons of LE stuff!!!


Well-known member
Had to go to Pensacola, FL, yesterday to attend a business meeting. Stopped by the MAC counter at Dillard’s, Cordova Mall. I was surprised to see they still have lightscapade and Shimpagne MSFs. [5100 North 9th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501, (850) 477-9565]


Active member
In Singapore we seem to still have some of the limited edition pigments like Aire-de-Blue and Entremauve available, as well as some of the less popular Barbie lipsticks.


I saw a regular sized Bow Belle l/g the other day. How far back is that?Also came across tons of Happening Gal l/g in another store.


Well-known member
Just thought I'd share....
A bunch of our old stuff got RTV'ed today (and all of Raquel was sent back last week) so your search for old stuff at MAC Stores/counters just got a little harder...but I'm assuming that CCOs are about to get a nice little present!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mskitchmas
OMG!!! if there's a way i can get my hands on Pink Clash lipglass I would be so happy!!!

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina CCO at Tanger Outlets on 501. They were there in early May.


Well-known member
Our MAC at Tower's City in Cleveland still had some She Shines pigs. (Dazzlelight, Shimmertime, Azreal Blue). They seem to take a while to sell out of pigs. in general

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