LE or Permanent: which do you like better?


Well-known member
Generally I find the quality to be pretty equal. Of course, "LE" is often the first time we see products. If they're popular they're often made perm. So, LE collection seem to have a lot of "fail" products.

The one major exception is the mini brush sets - yuck.

LE excites me though. Unless I'm restocking a staple I don't pay too much attention to the perm line anymore.


Well-known member
I have about 30% perm and the rest LE... I love both. I think there is so much great stuff in the perm line and is easily overlooked but you do get excited with LE and seeing new items. Sometimes, the LE shadows aren't as good quality as they should be... chalky and doesn't come out right... but that is very rare.

While I love both, I will probably always buy LE... I have gotten everything from the perm line that I want and LE is so much more fun.