LE Things you love, by Collection...


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Here come my favourites (you can see when I started with MAC


Technacolor - e/s Slip Pink, Zeal
Plushglass - Wildly Lush
Nocturnelle - e/s Beauty Sleep
Danse - e/s Swan Lake, Glissade MSF, pigment Pastorale


Racquel Welch - BP Peaceful
Barbie - Malibu Barbie l/g, BP Pearl Sunshine, Don't be Shy Blush, e/s Springtime Skipper
Strange Hybrid - e/s Moonflower, Fleurry blush
Moonbathe - Otherwordly blush
Sunstrip - Refined Golden bronzer
Tendertones - Take a Hint, Sush!
C-Shock - Wondergrass, Big T, Going Bananas e/s
Flashtronic - Ether, Mercurial e/s, Global Glow MSF
Rushmetal - Pigment Revved-Up
Smoke Signals - Smoke Eyes Quad, Silver Fog Pigment
Blue Storm - Stormwatch, Cloudburst, Thunder e/s
Matte² - Newly Minted, Clarity e/s
McQueen - New Vegas MSF, Haunting e/s, Otherwordly PP
Antiquitease - Your Ladyship Pigment, Earthly Riches, Engaging, Family Silver MES, Metallic Eyes Palette
Finery - Pink Lips x 3
Of Beauty - Natural Flare
Originals - Parrot e/s, Russian Red l/s, Transparent Teal Glitter


N-Collection - Light Flush and Warmed MSF, Neutral Pink and Nanogold e/s,
Fafi - Fashion Frenzy Blush, Sugar Trance, Totally It and Cult Fave l/g, Fun n Sexy l/s, IPP Sassed Up
[] Beauty Powder Blush - Shy Beauty, Sweetness
Heatherette - Hollywood Nights l/s, Starlet Kiss and Style Minx l/g, Trio #1
BP Alpha Girl and Smooth Harmony


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Rebel Rock - Blue pigment


Catherine Deneuve Icon - 182 LE buffer brush with chrome handle
A Muse - 15 Minutes lipstick, Shimpagne MSF
Technacolor - Pompous Blue e/s
Rockocco - Accent Red pigment, Rich Ground fluidline
Danse - Corps de Ballets lipglass


Barbie - Mothbrown eyeshadow
Moonbathe - Firespot eyeshadow
C-Shock: Overrich lipstick
Reflects Glitter - Antique Gold
Anitquitease - Red Romp lipglass
Originals - Clue eyeshadow


N - Neutral Pink eyeshadow
Fafi - Ermine doll
Heatherette: Pink Pearl pigment, Style Minx lipglass


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Rock It: All Girl Pigment
Salsabelle: Parrot e/s
Rococo: Tres Teal MES
Tease Me: Ingenue Blue e/s
Adorn: Courting Rose Lipglass
High Tea: Porcelain Pink

Madame B: Pollen e/s
D'Bohemia: Deckchair Pigment
Belle Azure: Lucky Green e/s
Ornamentalism: Blue Absinthe e/s
Lingerie: Petticoat MSF


Sweetie Cake: Sweetie Cake lipglass
Sundressing: Gold Dusk pigment
Lure: Waternymph e/s
She Shines: Dazzleray pigment
A Muse: 15 minutes l/s
Technacolor: Pompous Blue e/s
Rockocco: Rockocco l/s
Nocturnelle: Aloof l/s
Danse: Lightscapade MSF

Barbie Loves MAC: Moth Brown e/s
Strange Hybrid: Moonflower e/s
Moon Bathe: Claire de Lune e/s
C-Shock: Out to Shock l/s
Blue Storm: Stormwatch e/s
Alexander McQueen: Masque l/s
Antiquitease: Queen's sin l/s
Originals: Charred e/s


N Collection: 3N Lipstick
Slimshine: Long Stem Rose
Heatherette: Alpha Girl BP


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My list would be pretty long so I'll only say my most missed: 2003 MAC for Playboy lipstick in Bunny Pink.


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Pink nail lacquer that came with Pink Noveau l/s from ClassicClassic Coordinates
Blue Sprinkles nail lacquer from Sweetie Cake (I believe)
Tanarama from Sundressing
Stroke Of Lust l/s from Lure
Persona/Screen Vinyl MES from A Muse
Star Iridescent Pressed Powder from Rockocco
Elaborate l/g from Rockocco
Gemshine lipgelee from Jewelescent
Jewelmarine glitter from Jewelescent
Mythic Blue Zoomlash mascara from Jewelescent

Pearl Blossom BP<3 (I now only have half of it because my SILLY friend smacked it out of my hand)
Loves Pink Glimmershimmer (I missed out on this one, but I did try it at the store and I LOVED it!) both from Barbie Loves MAC
Otherwordly blush from Moon Bathe
Wondergrass e/s from C-Shock
#35 lashes from Lashes
Parrot from The Originals

Perky p/p, Girls Will Be Girls and Boom nail lacquers from FAFI
Jardin Aires p/m, Fleshpot l/s, 3D Glitter, Lola Devine and $$$$$ Yes nail lacquers from Heatherette


Well-known member
It's scary to realize almost ALL my collection is made up of LE items - I haven't been able to afford much of the permanent line! But I've loved almost everything and have bought at least one thing from almost every colour collection since sniffing MAC-crack.

Here we go!

Wing Tips - Violet Smoke polish (gotta love swaps!)
D'Bohemia - Flash of Flesh l/g, Oceanique e/s
Belle Azure - Sexy Sweet l/g
C-Squeeze - Sunplosion e/s
Lustrevision - Casino e/s
Rebel Rock - Living Pink e/s
Naturally Eccentric - Entwined l/s, Damzel l/g (loved most items from this collection!)
Idol Eyes - Da Bling
Lingerie - Of Corset! and Petticoat msf

Culturebloom - Violet Underground e/k, Overgrown e/s
Classic Coordinates - Coral Suite and Duo Pink polishes, Lovemate l/s
Sweetie Cake - Sweetie Cake quad
Lure - Waternymph e/s and Delphic f/l
She Shines - Sunpepper pigment
Turquatic - Crystal Rose l/g
A Muse - Lithograph, New Weed and Graphic Brown f/l's
Pattern Maker - Penned f/l
Untamed - Take Wing quad and Poetique
Technacolor - Full Flame e/s
Rockocco - Ostentatious f/l
NocturnElle - Desirous blush
Danse - Rite of Spring e/s, Lightscapade msf
Corps de Couleur - CdeC quad

Icon Raquel Welch - 169 brush
Barbie Loves MAC - Sweet & Single l/s & Whistle
Balloonacy - Pandamonium quad
Slimshine - Bare s/shine
Lightful - Softwashed pigment
Strange Hybrid - Rose Blanc
C-Shock - Wondergrass and Going Bananas! shadows
Novel Twist - Gadabout l/g (!!)
Rushmetal - Thrills l/s
Smoke Signals - Raven k/p
Blue Storm - Mysterl k/p and Whirlwind n/p
Alexander McQueen - Jealous k/p, Pharoah p/p
Antiquitease - Your Ladyship, Gold Stroke, Sweet Sienna pigments
Originals - Parrot e/s

N Collection - Neutral Pink e/s, N Colour n/p
Fafi - Perky, Girl Friendly, Nice Vice, Cashflow and Rollickin' p/p's
Beauty Powder Blush - Sweetness, Joyous, True Romantic, Eversun, Shy Beauty
Heatherette - Trio #1


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
I'm strictly a piggie and lippie girl so this is almost exclusively those items!

Tan Ray - Coco Beach pigment

Rock It - All Girl pigment
Lustreful (Asia) - Quietone lipstick
Zoom Lash - Blue Storm pigment

Rebelrock - Blue pigment
Lingerie - Goldenaire pigment
D'Bohemia - Deckchair and Coco pigments
Naturally Eccentric - curiositease lipstick

Sundressing - Gold Dusk and Softwash Grey pigments
Sweetie Cake - Lily White pigment
She Shines - Night Light & Golders Green pigments
Nocturnelle - Subtle & Entremauve pigments
Culturebloom - Poppy Hop lipstick

BLM - modern miss lipstick, pearl sunshine BP
Smoke Signals - Brew & Mellow Flame lipsticks, Raven & Orpheus kohls, Smoke Signals pigment
McQueen - Jealous & Black Karat kohls
Lightful Asia Colour - Soft Washed & Quietly pigments
Antiquitease - Queens Sin lipstick, Sweet Sienna & Your Ladyship Pigments

pending!! hoping that mutiny and bell bottom blue pigments and port red lipstick will be the knockouts!!

Yur list looks just like what I would have wrote, word for word almost!!!! haha



Well-known member
I JUST started collecting MAC this January, my collection is like 85% Heatherette since I bought almost everything, haha! But here is my list, I also have a few random items that I have bought at CCOs or E-bay.

Sweetie Cake:
Sweetie Cake l/g

Cocomotion p/m [Bought this b/c of an FOTD you did, AudreyNicole, and I LOVE it! It's my first pigment and its so pretty].

Going Bananas e/s
Fab & Flashy e/s

Engaged Mineralize e/s

N Collection:
Warmed MSF
Light Flush MSF

Utterly Frivolous l/s
Fun N' Sexy l/s
Rollickin' PP

Beauty Powder Blushes:
Sweetness BPB

Melrose Mood l/s
Trio 1 [just got and I LOVE]
Sock Hop l/g
Starlet Kiss l/g


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Cocomotion p/m [Bought this b/c of an FOTD you did, AudreyNicole, and I LOVE it! It's my first pigment and its so pretty].

Yay, I am glad you love it!
I was so stupid and sold off 3/4 of my jar, so now I only have about 1 tsp. left. I hope I can find one hanging around at a CCO before it's gone for good. What do you like to pair it with?

Ms. Z

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Icon IV: Raquel Welch: Sultress Eyes Quad & Peaceful BP
Barbie Loves MAC: Fashionpack l/g, Real Doll l/s & Pearl Sunshine BP
Balloonacy: Pandamonuim Eyes & Up Note l/s
C-Shock: Big T & Wondergrass e/s
Novel Twist: Out Of Bounds blush
Painterly: Painterly PP
Smoke Signals: Smoking Eyes & Illicit l/g
Blue Storm: Stormwatch
Matte 2: Flourishing & Blanc type e/s
Antiquitease/ Heirlooms: Brush Sets
The Stylistics: Soft Pout

N Collection: 3N l/s, 2N l/g, Modest Tone e/s, Rich Flesh e/s, Remotely Grey e/s & Dark Edge e/s
Fafi for Mac: Hipness blush
Heatherette: Fleshpot l/s, Sock Hop l/g & Lola Devine n/p


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Sweetie Cake: April - The quad
Danse: December Lightscapade and Glissade MSFs
Corps De Couleur: December The quad!

Barbie Loves MAC: Feb Springtime skipper, mothbrown, Both beauty powders
Balloonacy: Pandamonium quad and up note lipstick
Hybrid Theory: May Rose Blanc, Moonflower, Showflower quad
Novel Twist: July Softdew Beauty Powder
In 3D: August I adored all the 3d glasses, esp lightswitch
Alexander McQueen for MAC: October Masque LS
Antiquitease: Color Collection - October Family Silver, Sweet Sienna, Your Ladyship, Queen's Sin, Mi'Lady
Antiquitease: Royal Assets - October Cool Eyes Palette
Curiousitease: November Pigment Sets
Sculpt & Shape: December Accentuate/Sculpt rocks my world


Heatherette- Virtually ALL of it!


Well-known member
my number 1 favorite collection is the finery collection. i love all the lipsticks and lipglasses in it


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Tan Ray
- Coco Beach

Up The Amp
- Brick - o - La

- Blacktrack
D'bohemia - Deckchair, Coco
Rebel Rock - Blue pigment, Cranberry lipliner
Lingerie - Goldenaire

Sweetie Cake
- Apricot Pink, Pinked Mauve, Pink Meringue, Sweetie Cake
Sun Dressing - pink cabana, gold dusk, softwash gray
She Shines - dazzleray, golders green, sunpepper
Danse - Danse

- Viz - A - Violet
Strange Hybrid - Orchidazzle, Strange & Exotic
Rushmetal - Cocomotion, Mauvement, Gold Mode, Revved - up
Smoke Signals - Ablaze
Alaxander Mcqueen - Pagan

- 210 brush (I wish I had another one of these)
Heatherette - Lollipop Loving


Well-known member
I'm a newcomer too, I only started last December (and really need to cut back!)

Sundressing - Softwash Grey
She Shines - Dazzleray

Strange Hybrid - Jardin Aires
Antiquitease - Sweet Sienna, Gold Stroke, Your Ladyship

N Collection - 2N, 3N and 4N l/s, Neutral Pink, Nanogold, Light Flush
Fafi- Hipness
Beauty Powder Blush - Joyous
Heatherette - Alpha Girl, Style Minx


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She Shines: Shimmertime pigment
Zandra Rhodes: Zandra l/s

Raquel Welch: Screenqueen l/s
Barbie Loves MAC: Style it Up l/s
Novel Twist: Pro Brush Set
Flashtronic: Northern Lights MSF, Young Spark l/g
Painterly: Constructivist p/p, Rubenesque p/p
Alexander McQueen: Masque l/s, New Vegas MSF

Fafi: Sassed Up BP
Euristocrats: Rue D'Bois


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I don't know the collections for some of them... so I will just list the products.

Sundressing - Gold Dusk piggie
Coco piggie
Gold Play - Stereo Rose MSF
AMuse - Porcelain Pink MSF
Lingerie - Petticoat MSF
All Girl piggie
Quietly piggie
Softwashed piggie
Rebelrock - Blue piggie

Barbie - Pearl Sunshine BP, Sweetness l/s, Real Doll l/s, Mothbrown e/s, Springtime Skipper e/s, Rocking Chick l/s... ALL OF BARBIE COLL.
Balloonacy - Fun Fun l/s
Strange Hybrid - First Bloom l/g, Rose Blanc, Moonflower
Antiquitease - Your Ladyship piggie

Fafi - Sugar Trance l/g
Heatherette - Sock Hop l/g, Lolipop Loving, Mood Ring


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Lure(june) - Haunting f/l, Delphic f/l


Barbie loves MAC (february) - Don't be shy blush, Pearl Sunshine Beauty powder
Slimshine (april) - Funshine
Moon Bathe (may) - Ritzy! glimmershimmer, Elaborate l/g
Painterly (august) - Rubenesque p/p, Greenstroke p/p, Blackground p/p
Plushlash (september) - Plushblack


Slimshine (february) - Missy, Funshine
Fafi for MAC (february) - Utterly frivolous lipstick, Sassed Up iridescent pressed powder, mini clear bag
Euristocrats (march) - London Life l/s
Strobe (march) - Strobe cream
Heatherette (march) - Dual edge eye-liner (black and torquise)
Naughty Nauticals (may) - Mutiny pigment
Dazzleglass (may) - Steppin' out
Tendertones (may) - Take a hint, E-Z Baby, Pucker, Honey Bare
Cool Heat (june) - Warm Cill e/s, Gulf stream e/s, Cool heat e/s, Blue flame e/s
Sonic Chic (july) - Dainty mineralized blush
Electroflash (july) - Play on Plums mes, Cultureclash l/g, Major Minor l/g
Suite Array - Miss Fortune eyeliner


Well-known member
These are my 2008 faves

Rollicking and Perky Paint Pot (both from Fafi)
Hipness Blush (Fafi)
Light Flush MSF (N-Collection)
Mutiny Pigment (Naughty Neuticals)
Every Single Dazzleglass (Dazzleglasses)
EZ-Baby Tendertone (Tendertones 2008)
Volcanic Ash Exfoliator (Future Earth)
Pleasantry Mineralize Blush (Sonic Chic)
Gulf Stream, Cool Heat, Blue Flame, Solar White Eyeshadows (Cool Heat)
Sea & Sky MES (Electroflash)
Cult of Cherry Lipglass (Cult of Cherry)


Rock It: All Girl Pigment
Salsabelle: Parrot e/s
High Tea: Jasmine e/s

Madame B: Moth Brown e/s
Lingerie: Petticoat MSF

Sweetie Cake: Sweetie Cake lipglass
Danse: Lightscapade MSF

Moon Bathe: Honeymoon l/s
Antiquitease: Sweet Sienna Pigment

N Collection: 3N l/s
Heatherette: Lollipop Loving l/s

Sugarsweet: Peppermint Patti Nail Polish, Perfect Topping MSF
Rose Romance: Way to Love l/s

Colour Forecast: Pigment Stacked! 1
Liberty of London: Shell Pearl Beauty Powder, Blue India Nail Polish