Legacy Collection site gone?!


Well-known member
So I clicked to check out a swatch today and the link is dead!
Since it's such a great resource for everyone, I wanted to confirm its status (i.e. moved site or actually gone). Does anyone know, or do we just assume the worst?


Well-known member
Nope it's not dead. I read in LJ that they are getting a new host or something along those lines. It will be back up soon.


Well-known member
yeah my heart almost dropped when I tried that site this morning, but it says it should be back up within 24 hrs.


Well-known member
When i read the title of this thread i thought it must be gone for good, as Son Risa and another girl did that website didn't they? And i know Son Risa sold or was selling nearly all of her MAC awhile back, so if it had gone i wouldn't have been surprised.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tadzio79
yeah my heart almost dropped when I tried that site this morning, but it says it should be back up within 24 hrs.

My browser shows that it can't be found, http 404
. I'll definitely be checking out again tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
whats the url for the site guys? I wanna check it out

Here's the original link: http://legacycollection.org/mac/main.php. So far there's still nothing there, hopefully we'll get a new link soon.

Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower
When i read the title of this thread i thought it must be gone for good, as Son Risa and another girl did that website didn't they? And i know Son Risa sold or was selling nearly all of her MAC awhile back, so if it had gone i wouldn't have been surprised.

Wow, she did? I guess that's why she's not posting around anymore? It's too bad, I loved learning from her. And Jude too!


Well-known member
You have to have at least one entry in your livejournal and you have to have had livejournal for at least a week. That happened to me too haha.


Well-known member
If information is going to directly copied and pasted from Specktra (even if it is as simple as a listing) , then there needs to be a credit and a link back to the original content they are reproducing. example It takes alot of time, effort, and member contribution to maintain a comprehensive resource and seeing it reproduced in it's original format on other websites without any credit given is reprehensible.


Well-known member
^ Sorry, I'm a bit confused. Did I mis-post (i.e. post something wrong), or are you just saying that if we forward any swatches to there from Specktra we should properly credit Specktra (which I'm completely cool with)?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlahWah
^ Sorry, I'm a bit confused. Did I mis-post (i.e. post something wrong), or are you just saying that if we forward any swatches to there from Specktra we should properly credit Specktra (which I'm completely cool with)?

I was referring to the color_stories.html page on the site that is a direct copy and paste of Specktra's color story listing (although the version they are sharing is a bit old). Other MAC based sites seem to have a hard time crediting Specktra for the information they re-distribute. It becomes a minor annoyance after awhile, especially when it's as blatant as copy and pasting something you have literally spent years refining, maintaining, and updating for posterity.

Hope that clarifies my post for you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlahWah
...if we forward any swatches to there from Specktra we should properly credit Specktra (which I'm completely cool with)?

Hmmm. Are you talking about swatches you created or swatches from this site in general?
I'd rather swatches that I - or any other user - create for Specktra aren't forwarded on to another site without asking first.