Let's Reminisce...


Well-known member
I honestly don't remember what my very first MAC eyeshadow was. That's kinda sad, haha. It was back in like, 9th grade I think...so I have no idea. But some of my firsts were Purple Haze (which disappeared), Amber Lights, and Trax.


The first eye shadows I had were a gift and they were Black Tied and Sprout. The first I bought was Belle Azure, it was too pretty to pass up!


Well-known member
Well, Pink Venus and Vex were my first purchases. Vex I still have and hit pan long ago. Pink Venus is long gone, lost to the land of the car a long time ago.


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patina and trax

mau suggested them, so i purchased

that was in 02/04, patina was finished this summer and have yet to hit the pan on trax


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First shadows

My first shadows, well actually, my first MAC purchase ever, included Greensmoke, Discreet, and brush #242. I remember thinking....Jeez, this just cost a small fortune...now, I think that spending less than $200 is a 'small haul'!


Active member
lol@ less than $200 a small haul. That's exactly how I feel. I can't go to mac without spending at least $150.

My first shadows were. Tempting, ricepaper, amberlights, Humid, and shimmermoss. Those were when I just did one color on the lid.


Active member
My very 1st shadow was digit.(light airy purple) I was 15, I will never forget that day. Discovering mac was like discovering a new world!!!!!


Well-known member
My firsts were Amber Lights & Carbon & a Smolder liner.

My car got broken into (my first week living in NYC) & they stole all of my crappy, used, drugstore makeup so I'd been looking to replace them & at the same time I was beginning to gather/sew my Rocky Horror costumes to start playing Dr. Frank-n-Furter so I needed a true black shadow & liner.

The Amber Lights came from an episode of That 70s show where Donna wore a color similar to that & we have very similar coloring so I had to get it.

My cheapest trip ever. After that, the next time I went I got 2 brushes & at least 3 more shadows....and so it began....


Active member
i got sweet lust as my first mac shadow...i was trying to color match a rocket city shadow that i could no longer find in stores. my second, third and fourth shadows were idol eyes, steamy, and tilt if i remember correctly