Lets visit the 80's shall we? Candy Anyone?


Well-known member
Va-va-voom!!! You are one beautiful girl! Your blending skills are enviable... keep it up, mah desi sistah!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flammable
your haircut is awesome!
is scanty lipstick a frost or lustre or some other finish??

Its Amplified.

And thank you to everyone for posting. I feel better already =)

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Holy Punky Pop Rocks BatGirl!!! You are like...totally awesome!

Incredible Look...for sure!

O.K. now you got me started!

Seriously though you are totally channeling Stacy Q and Lisa Lisa from the Cult Jam! With some Joan Jett thrown in there for good measure!

I'm such an '80's Freak! I've convinced myself that it's 1988 all over again!
Which, in this case, the '80's are almost over again.

Incidentally, I just saw a tube of Scanty at my CCO in Gilroy, CA.

Thanks for sharing! Hope you're feeling better!