letter of complaint


Well-known member
i was recently refused entry into a bar because i did not have the 'approriate' ID. (in the UK u need 1 of 3 types of ID. they are all wrote on posters outside a bar or club they are a passport.. a drivin licence... or a photo ID card with a PASS logo on it) I had the pass logo because if i lose my drivin licence i have to pay £30 something (near $60) to get it replaced nevermind the fact it has my address and eveything on and if i lose my passport i think its like £70 (near $140) to get it replaced.

in the 1st place i got asked for ID i showed him it and he refused me. which let me to asking why not he replied with i need my passport or drivin licence. i say no and point to the poster and show my card pointin to the logo. he says he doesn't care and says i should f****n read. i completely flip my lid and say how dare he swear at me etc etc

after this fiasco i go to another bar with my friends and get refused ID again.. i stay calm and ask since when has this apparent new rule been inforced.. he laughs at me and says erm try 15 years

it was a very important night and completely spoiled by 2 idiots so i would like to write a letter of complaint to the management of the 2nd bar (mainly cos the 1st bar i complained at the bouncers and the management can easily write back and say i was refused entry for backchatting etc)

However i am not sure how to go about this because i want to know why i was refused when i should of been let in and i dont want to sound arrogant and difficult etc any suggestions??


Well-known member
To write any letter the best way to do it is to be clear and concise. Follow the PDAT format.

Start with a salutation... Dear so-and-so Manager/Owner of blah-blah
(each of these should be separated from each other...)

P- Purpose... Why you're sending the letter. (one sentence is all you need)

D- Data... What happened, the facts. (usually a few sentences)

A- Action... What you would like to happen (usually a few sentences)

T- Thanks... Thanking them for the time. (just a thanks or thank you for you time kind of thing)

Signed Your Name.

Stay professional and don't get off topic; don't use slang; don't be rude.

Now being denied access to a bar is normal it happens sometimes especially if your ID is older and you don't look a lot like the picture. They are entitled to not grant you access if you ID looks fake or you look underage. It's always best to bring multiple pieces of ID (both non-picture and picture) to guaranty entry. It's sucks that this happened to you on a special but I've had friends denied access because they do look younger than they really are.

Good luck and I hope you get everything sorted out.


Well-known member
what we have here are sheets of complain. but it better to go to the bar and fill it there. here we have it in everyplace, so if you have a problem you ask for it and fill it with your details and you story of the situation.
here a lot of shops and bars hate them and try everything but to do one, if something like that happened to me i would say i want my complain sheet and they would let me in almost sure :p
spain is different :p

good luck anyway