Originally Posted by prinzessin784
Just because some of us love makeup or even obsess over it doesn't mean we don't have a life outside of MAC. It takes, what, 10, 20 minutes to do your makeup in the morning? And then maybe we'll spend on hour on Specktra? That leaves a lot of day left to carry on our normal lives that aren't self-absorbed. Give us a break and let us have that hour and a half to gush about pretty lipstick because for the rest of the day we're working hard and doing our part.
I would have really liked if u actually read the original post and/or the whole thread.
I never did say that people here had no life, because Im here too for a reason. I also said not to take this personally because it was one of those moments for me where i just sit and ponder upon things,
maybe next time before you get an impulse to reply
be polite and read the thread.
Yes its true "MAC" can be replaced with any other luxery, and my question would be the same..
its true thou, i my self do it too, I like to buy coach here and there
and some really nice "luxuries" which are probably not nesesary
it was just my personal thought at the moment..
is there anything else that worries us?
not like I didnt think there was.. I just wanted to know..
outside of MAC and Makeup..
what global issues worry you?
has anyone heard of VERICHIP a chip the size of a grain of rice
that can be inplanted to ur right hand an will contain all your information, medical, and financial, any police records,anything!
It was just a mere thought and question and not ment to
hurt anyone personally which i had stressed in the beginning and in my second post.