Life beyond MAC


Well-known member
I give when I can. Sometimes it's a lot, sometimes it's just a little. But, there are causes/charities I care about, and donate to regularly. So, when I spend some money on myself for makeup, or I splurge on a LeSportsac purse I love, I don't feel guilty. Sure, that's money I could have given to someone else. But, I've gotta make myself happy too. I know it sounds weird, but devoting yourself completely to charity or causes tends to burn you out and make you just wanna... stop helping.

I know it sounds awful, but I've experienced it. When I spend too much time trying to tend to other people, and I begin to neglect my own desires, I start burning out really quickly. And I'd be a lot less useful to the people I wanna help if I'm completely burned out on helping them.

That's the way I see it anyway. We should give something back when we can, but we shouldn't ignore our own happiness.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I do understand exactly what you're saying. Maybe they do have jobs, maybe they don't. Maybe they're going to buy food with the money, maybe drugs. Honestly, that is not my concern. My purpose is not to judge them. I just want to make a small contribution that I know is going to the individual that I gave money to. I know there are tons of scams so do we stop giving period?

No, you research it carefully before you give. You cannot research the people on the street normally. A lot of people prefer to give locally, to local shelters for instance, so they can at least know their money is going to the right place. There aren't all bad charities. I frankly think that they have better ways of helping the homeless/poor than me handing them money on the street.

I think it's a bad idea. Just like if my brother had a drug addiction or if he were that greedy to hold a job and try get other money from people, I wouldn't hand him money. I'd rather know that my money is actually going to help someone; I knew plenty of college kids who were too lazy to hold a job that would do that. Personally, I prefer what my friend does: she gives the people food. At least she knows then they do get food and aren't spending it on something ridiculous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
I would have really liked if u actually read the original post and/or the whole thread.
I never did say that people here had no life, because Im here too for a reason. I also said not to take this personally because it was one of those moments for me where i just sit and ponder upon things,
maybe next time before you get an impulse to reply
be polite and read the thread.

Yes its true "MAC" can be replaced with any other luxery, and my question would be the same..
its true thou, i my self do it too, I like to buy coach here and there
and some really nice "luxuries" which are probably not nesesary

it was just my personal thought at the moment..
is there anything else that worries us?
not like I didnt think there was.. I just wanted to know..
outside of MAC and Makeup..
what global issues worry you?

has anyone heard of VERICHIP a chip the size of a grain of rice
that can be inplanted to ur right hand an will contain all your information, medical, and financial, any police records,anything!

It was just a mere thought and question and not ment to
hurt anyone personally which i had stressed in the beginning and in my second post.

Of course there are other things that worry us. But sometime you need a break from your current reality, and i find that this site and mac give me some sort of haven other than my regular everyday life.

i personally am a neuroscience major, if i kept my mind just on o-chem, eeg's, fmri' go insane. i personally dont have the time to go out for a breather, as in go out on weekend nights. because my course load is so strenuous. a 5-10 min break away from 'hemiacetyl aldehydes' and checking my email, specktra, or online shopping helps take away some stress.

i find that even asking the question about what other world wide issues we concern ourselves with to be degrading. just because im on this website doesnt meant that i dont read psychological journals etc, or concern myself with others, like the mentally and physically ill. i give back to my community, i give my time to the local suicide prevention hotline, help out children with cerebral palsy, tutor an add child, help out autistic children w/ basic life training, or try to give to schizophrenia charities. etc etc.

i read an interesting article, in a really old elle, i believe. they had interviewed the male ceo of either elizabeth arden or estee lauder. i cant remember which at this time, and the interviewer made it clear to him that his clientèle were all educated women w/ phds' masters', bachelors etc, that were able to afford his mother's products. and his response was quite smug, " that they were all women that WANTED to be well kept women". my point being that these women ARE well rounded, educated women, with loads of other things on their mind other than makeup. and if you want to analyze the love of makeup, then blame the media, gender roles, insecurity etc...


Well-known member
I love donating. I cant always give much but i do try. And once I find the best way to do it, I plan on giving more.

I hate this way of thinking. Makeup is the one thing I buy that makes me so happy. Like, I like to shop period, but makeup makes me feel different. it sounds dumb but its true. I am not going to feel guilty anymore about buying or being obsessed with makeup. I dont know WHY it makes me feel so guilty and like a loser....I feel like when i buy makeup i get depressed because I shouldnt like it or spend so much on it. I just feel like I'm doing something bad...and I'm not.

Anyways I don't know. life is too short. like I said I love donating money and doing good things but I also like buying my makeup.


Well-known member
For me MAC is the only thing I spoil myself with. Seriously I never ever spend money on myself. I'm a student and live of government support. The money I earn over summer break goes mostly towards uni text books and my savings (which is just in case i get sick and need to see a doctor or medications).

When I can I donate money, even if it's only a dollar here and there. Though I really dislike when people go around collecting money for X charity and when I have no money to give them they give me the third degree. They don't take into account not everybody can afford to donate. I personally never have money on me so when they ask I have nothing to give them.

I understand what you mean though, a lot of people spend outrageous amounts on money on thing that really aren't worth it in the grand scheme of things. I'm sure people think I'm selfish or harsh to say this but sometimes you need to put yourself first in life because nobody else will.


Well-known member
Everything in moderation. You can't become a slave giving away everything you have, giving and giving and giving. You're much more use to the world as a happier person. And if spoiling yourself with MAC sometimes is what does it, then do it. But most people I know also need to give to others to be really happy and peaceful in their lives. They'll pick something that hits close to home and donate their time and/or money. For me it's animals.


Well-known member
I totally agree. For me helping others makes my day, even if it's just opening a door for somebody. Money is something I don't have much of so I try and help out in other ways.


Well-known member
I work (at a lower wage than I could get elsewhere) for a non-profit that places people on the dole into work, we work heavily with highly disadvantaged people, youth and indigenous folks. Yes, I have my own reasons (good on resume, I fit in well here) but the satisfaction I get from the work is a big part of it. I also support several charities, The Association for the Blind, World Vision (we sponser a child) and the Scouts on a regular basis and several others by either work or donations.
Why can't one do both?
Support good causes and have some luxury? I don't see a problem.


Well-known member
i find it easy to donate money to charities or causes (because i like doing it!) and i do it quite often.

we have a charity committee at work - they organise events for various charities, and there are always people doing something for charity (like the relay for life, movember etc) and needing sponsorship! i'll quite often donate what i can.


Well-known member
Besides raising money for the San Francisco AIDS Walk (through MAC) I also donate a lot on my own. Granted it's not a lot in $$ amount but I'm a college student who gets no financial aid. I sponser a family in Palestine and a child in Iraq. Plus every 6 months or so my cousins and I go through all our closets and gather tones of clothes to send to Palestine and Iraq.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
A lot of people don't give anything. Never discredit a small donation; imagine if everyone gave $5/month to a charity. It adds up fast


Well-known member
I think I've been fortunate enough to have been brought up under circumstances that taught me at a very young age what the value of a dollar was. However, as I've gotten older and serious about how I present myself and how I choose to live, I'm someone who isn't against paying a larger amount of money as long as I know it's the best quality-which is why there are alot of non-MAC things in my traincase, as I realize they aren't the end all-be all of good makeup.

I think it's important to acknowledge what's going on in the world around you, and if you have the means to make a change, then by all means, go for it. I just don't feel guilty for something I didn't do and have very little control over. If I can make a small difference (by say, pumping money back into a fledgling economy) then that's what I'll do.