Like a virgin...Using Bare Minerals for the very first time...


Well-known member
You are a beautiful girl...and you /look/ beautiful. : )

The reason /I/ stopped using bare minerals foundation is I didn't like the way it settled into my pores...I felt it made my pores more obvious than they were without it. You might find the same kind of result.


Well-known member
Oh good luck/congrats with your pregnancy! How many months so far?

The BM looks great, i swear it's the best foundation ever! Did you get the starter kit or just the separate foundation? It's better to get the kit first because it's cheaper that way and you get 2 foundations (one lighter one darker) mineral veil to set it and take away shine, warth to give a glowy sunkissed look, and a rosy blush called glee and 3 brushes and a dvd. You need the brushes because they were made for the foundation and a regular brush isn't going to apply it or hold well. For the foundation to look even better and stay on longer, BE's prime time is so great. It also controls shine =) and you've gotta get udpp! im surprised you dont have it. anyways i like the look, it's very natural and glowy. and good luck with the baby again!

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