Like Mother, Like Daughter


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Strangely, my mom has never been a big makeup user (just foundation & powder and a little bit of mascara) and despite everything, I become a makeup artist! I remember being really attracted by makeup everytime she took me with her in drugstores or perfume shops, even though she didn't look at it... but she taught me to have a good skincare routine and sometimes I use the same brand as her (Caudalie, Clarins).


Well-known member
My mom had really big mix of products, and no brand she stayed loyal too. She had drugstore brands aswell as high ends ones.
On my elventh birthday I got my first makeup from her, and it was all from Clinique

I still today feel a connection to Clinique haha


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my mom always had dior,chanel and helena rubenstein stuff. i started out with a black eyeliner from a drugstore
. I love Dior and lancome for skincare (I love all the skincare stuff from asia because of high spf !)and foundation- then comes mac for make-up and gwp mascaras
My mom never really wore makeup. Maybe lipstick but nothing more than that. I was wearing makeup in 8th grade. I think I was always into it. I guess I used to always get into whatever makeup my mom did have from the time I was 3.


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My mom was never really that big into mu. All she pretty much wore was Shiseido powder in the compact which, I did try and liked but I was fairly young at that time so I stoped using it when she stop buying it for me lol. Maybelline Great Lash mascara (the one in the pink tube) which she is still wearing and is now my all time favorite, and maybe a bit of blush and some lipstick.

I wasn't really that into mu either, it wasn't until I was with my ex, who's mom owned a mu store so I got it for free. Even then, I was really basic with my mu routine and never really cared to much about it. Just almost a year ago, a friend introduced me to MAC and then I came upon Specktra so, it hasn't been that long since I've become a fanatic lol.

Needless to say, now my moms wears more mu then she ever has because I've intorduced her to MAC and now she wears eye shadows and lipglass wheas before it was just lip stick lol.


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My mom has always used Cover Girl foundation...every time I smell it, it reminds me of her...
She barely wears any makeup, except when she goes out (my parents have a better social life than I do!!).

I, on the other hand, am a makeup 'ho....


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My mom is an AVON Lady thus she wears alot of AVON products, but she does not wear their foundation because it makes her skin break out (she's really sensitive). For foundation, if I remember correctly, she's been known to wear Black Opal and a couple of other drug store brands as well as some Fashion Fair or Mary Kay. I've never really dabbled in any of these lines aside from swiping an AVON shadow duo from her "junki'llneverwear" bin and a few mascaras (when I don't want the dramatic look of MAC Zoomlash).

For Christmas, when my father asked her what she wanted she said, "I want some of that expensive makeup that Bridgette wears . . . I think they sell it in Nordstroms (a major department store in the Cali/US)?" So, she woke up Christmas morning to find a perfectly matched foundation (so difficult for me to get without her though) as well as a e/s (I couldn't resist, she wears THE SAME shadow everyday, I had to do it!).


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Makeupwise, my mother was pretty much an Estee Lauder girl, always has been. I personally don't find EL all that exciting and I don't think I've used any of it.

However perfumewise, we share a passion for Dior and Jean Paul Gaultier perfumes. Actually, because of my mother I never leave the house without wearing anything and I'll feel naked if by hazard I forget.


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My mom stopped wearing make up due to allergies before I was old enough to remember what she actually used, but recently she's gotten back into wearing at least a little, but it's the other way round now: she uses mostly what I use and already owns her first MAC blush and Studio Fix Fluid
... The first mascara she bought for me (L'Oréal Voluminous) was a great choice and it's still my fave!


Well-known member
My mam never really used mu , maybe a little bit of mascara...
WoW I dont remamber what was my first mu product , I remember my first concealer was from dior .
My mom still isn't a big fan of MU but now cuz of me she began to wear more makeup and have fun with it

I alwayes try to buy her some makeup that I think she needs/will love...

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