Lime Crime Lipstick


Well-known member
I am thinking of getting m846, hoping it's close to muse. As tired as I am waiting for it, I want the palette and I will continue to wait for it to be available just because it looks pretty unique to my collection. The wait is just...well, you all know because you're all waiting too! I just hope it's in the next couple of weeks, not pushed back a couple of months.

Yeah, it definitely would be appreciated if she provides a general date, but then again she can say anything and it may not end up being true. She DID say it would be out in January and that didn't happen. So I guess I don't care if she provides a date or not because at this point what does it really mean? I just want it to be available.

Also, I have no idea how Venus is not yet ready but if they are sending them out it kind of sucks. I don't know how PR works but the thing is, the palette has already been released so why prolong that! Are they having issues producing enough? Wonder what exactly is going on over there.

I hope they are working on getting the site to handle any craziness.

this is exactly what is irritating me. i have venus and i am annoyed! why do you need to send these out to popular instagram users? people have the palettes- other people already want them! plus, these ig users arent really doing anyone favors. they thank lc and then just use the stuff. i think i only know of one person who swatched riot on her blog- the others just wear it in some pictures. and lc isn't promoting the hashtag or the fact that they sent out some riot velvetines? none of it makes sense to me.


Well-known member
So I just called Naimies....and they are not offering the pro discount on Lime Crime anymore.
I spoke to a few people there and word is "the Lime Crime owner Doe, doesn't want us to provide the discount anymore"
i have noticed that lc goes out of stock now on the urban outfitters site when they offer promotional codes to general users....


Well-known member
this is exactly what is irritating me. i have venus and i am annoyed! why do you need to send these out to popular instagram users? people have the palettes- other people already want them! plus, these ig users arent really doing anyone favors. they thank lc and then just use the stuff. i think i only know of one person who swatched riot on her blog- the others just wear it in some pictures. and lc isn't promoting the hashtag or the fact that they sent out some riot velvetines? none of it makes sense to me.
The whole IG/YT promotional thing annoys the shit out of me! Yes, i get that companies need to promote their brand, but they can do it on their own page. Now all they do is send almost their entire line to the exact same people, the majority of whom only know how to touch their own face, and wouldn't know how to apply simple eyeliner on someone else even if there was a connect the dots instructional taped to their face. There's definitely something to be said for hard-working artists who support themselves and their kit 100%! And to keep promoting promoting products that are sold out is super annoying! LC, ABH, they all do it!


Well-known member
And to keep promoting promoting products that are sold out is super annoying! LC, ABH, they all do it!

you are absolutely right about that. it does annoy me as well that a lot of the girls aren't any sort of makeup experts (not to name names, but i can think of a few who even flat out say that they aren't great at application! why have someone who can't really even apply makeup get your product as a promo? who is that helping?) i understand giving a few of them stuff, but .... i don't know.

the other part of it is that so many of them will shill a n y t h i n g you pay them we have NO idea what a lot of these products are like at all (since they just say whatever is nice!)


Well-known member
you are absolutely right about that. it does annoy me as well that a lot of the girls aren't any sort of makeup experts (not to name names, but i can think of a few who even flat out say that they aren't great at application! why have someone who can't really even apply makeup get your product as a promo? who is that helping?) i understand giving a few of them stuff, but .... i don't know.  the other part of it is that so many of them will shill a n y t h i n g you pay them we have NO idea what a lot of these products are like at all (since they just say whatever is nice!)
Yup! All it is anymore is one big infomercial!


Well-known member
you are absolutely right about that. it does annoy me as well that a lot of the girls aren't any sort of makeup experts (not to name names, but i can think of a few who even flat out say that they aren't great at application! why have someone who can't really even apply makeup get your product as a promo? who is that helping?) i understand giving a few of them stuff, but .... i don't know.

the other part of it is that so many of them will shill a n y t h i n g you pay them we have NO idea what a lot of these products are like at all (since they just say whatever is nice!)
That is why I don't trust a lot of them. If every single item from a brand is amazing to you, and you don't have even a little issue, I don't trust you. Or if you only got it the day before and love it today. What about next month? lol


Well-known member
That is why I don't trust a lot of them. If every single item from a brand is amazing to you, and you don't have even a little issue, I don't trust you. Or if you only got it the day before and love it today. What about next month? lol
when the tags are still on it...


Well-known member
Just throwing this in here for those that have purchased from LC lately, just a heads up. Not certain how credible it is but always good to be on top of things..


Well-known member
Just throwing this in here for those that have purchased from LC lately, just a heads up. Not certain how credible it is but always good to be on top of things..
Oh wow. I am never buying LC again, that just solidified it.


Well-known member
Just throwing this in here for those that have purchased from LC lately, just a heads up. Not certain how credible it is but always good to be on top of things..
LC just keeps getting shadier and shadier ...


Well-known member
Just throwing this in here for those that have purchased from LC lately, just a heads up. Not certain how credible it is but always good to be on top of things..
um. I did. omg. good thing I had my card reissued after that. I don't know it it was lc but not taking any chances edit: it happened twice in the period of nov-dec. I ordered Black Friday and once in dec. lc was in the last few transactions both times it happened. very well could be the culprit. i chalked one up to an atm that seemed off to me (had problems with it).... guhhhh. I ordered during the restock but I think I had a temporary card at that point ....


Well-known member
I just saw that on Instagram and checked my account. $300 worth of charges. It was actually only $200 initially but the fkers made another transaction while I was showing my boyfriend my account info! Lol bastards. I'm calling the companies to get the gift cards cancelled ($100x2 for a movie theater and $100 on Starbucks) in the morning. My bank already cancelled my card and is removing the charges but I'll be damned if those fraudsters get a better Vday haul than me! :bump: :finger: P.s. this is pretty much solidifying me not buying riot but cashmere? So gorg. NO REGRETS.


Well-known member
P.s. this is pretty much solidifying me not buying riot but cashmere? So gorg. NO REGRETS.
Come to think of it ... I had someone purchase 3 Starbucks gift cards around Christmas and I ordered from Lime Crime on Black Friday ....

But I do quite a bit of online shopping so I couldn't pinpoint the culprit exactly. But I check my bank accounts everyday (b/c I've heard too many stories like this) and I caught it the day it happened and my bank froze the payment while it was still processing.


Well-known member
I just saw that on Instagram and checked my account. $300 worth of charges. It was actually only $200 initially but the fkers made another transaction while I was showing my boyfriend my account info! Lol bastards. I'm calling the companies to get the gift cards cancelled ($100x2 for a movie theater and $100 on Starbucks) in the morning. My bank already cancelled my card and is removing the charges but I'll be damned if those fraudsters get a better Vday haul than me! :bump: :finger: P.s. this is pretty much solidifying me not buying riot but cashmere? So gorg. NO REGRETS.