Lime Crime Lipstick


Well-known member
That doesn't even seem like Doe wrote that. It is much too professional.. and lacks the passive-aggressiveness that encapsulates Doe Deere.  Wouldn't it be best to email folks who might be affected by the breach ASAP?  You would think they would have sent out an email pronto regarding the issue.  If it was my company - I would email AND send out an actual letter.    
Definitely! I thought they would send out emails for sure. I'll be very surprised if they really send letters to all the people who got info stolen. I'll be checking my mail! Lol somehow I feel like everyone isn't going to get one
My sentiments exactly. Isn't she required by law to let customers know that their persona ,information could have been compromised.


Well-known member
They should have already sent out emails.  Some people might not be checking their accounts - and may not know yet.  It is very irresponsible of LC to not make contact with buyers ASAP.. Yup... California--where LC is based-- was the first state to require it.  Also, they are supposed to inform customers IMMEDIATELY.. That is INSANE.. Who in the hell would spend that much on a Lime Crime lipstick?     
I hope someone has reported her to state authorities.


Well-known member
I think people are going crazy because they think Lime Crime is going to fold entirely which would make the products collectors items. I don't think they're going away they just have to rebuild their image


Well-known member
I just got an email, guess they actually did send them!


Well-known member
Only 4 months after they were made aware of the hack, and a week after they shut down their site do they send out the emails. :eek:hboy:


Well-known member
cant wait to see if i actually get a physical letter....  i'll let you guys know, as i DEFINITELY had my account compromised... 
Same, I actually just went to the bank today to get a new debit card for that account. From what I saw they're going to have a lot of letters to send out!


Well-known member
Wanna know something funny? If you google maps the LC address on the bottom of the email, it's to a bagel shop in Cali :haha: She's such a piece of trash!