Lime Crime Lipstick


Well-known member
I think there is an uproar on instagram about LC going to IMATS even though they can't even stock their own website. I think things definitely are going to crumble around them. People are urging people to ask IMATS to remove LC from the vendor floor.


Well-known member
I think there is an uproar on instagram about LC going to IMATS even though they can't even stock their own website. I think things definitely are going to crumble around them. People are urging people to ask IMATS to remove LC from the vendor floor. 


Well-known member
I think there is an uproar on instagram about LC going to IMATS even though they can't even stock their own website. I think things definitely are going to crumble around them. People are urging people to ask IMATS to remove LC from the vendor floor. 
I definitely get the feeling they'll either be banned from IMATS or if they go some craziness is going to go on. I'd be terrified to go to a huge convention potentially filled with people who got their info stolen because of my company. Especially because it all just happened so recently too


Well-known member
I definitely get the feeling they'll either be banned from IMATS or if they go some craziness is going to go on. I'd be terrified to go to a huge convention potentially filled with people who got their info stolen because of my company. Especially because it all just happened so recently too
I doubt they would be banned since they paid for a venue spot. They may choose to pull out but IMATS isn't going to ban them for their company woes. It would be something different if LC was found to have stolen money from customers themselves or had purposely sold their customers private info in the black market so their credit was used illegally. That's not what happened. I'm not defending the company or anything. But LC being banned from a tradeshow when they haven't done anything illegal (technically being hacked and having absolutely no PR skills to handle the issues isn't's just proof that not everyone can run a business correctly) to constitute it...not realistic. If people really wanted to "hurt" LC at IMATS they would choose to NOT visit their booth and spend money. Nothing worse (and more costly) for any of these companies than to come to a tradeshow 3000 miles away and at the end of the tradeshow have almost all of the stock they arrived with. It costs a ton to transport their products. It's why a lot of great last ditch sales occur in the last 1-2 hours of the last day of a tradeshow. The more they can get rid of the less they'll have to pay to ship it back. Besides, banning them from IMATS doesn't do anything if the complaint is solely that the site hasn't announced a restock date...especially if people are still planning on buying from the site. :shrugs:


Well-known member
I doubt they would be banned since they paid for a venue spot. They may choose to pull out but IMATS isn't going to ban them for their company woes. It would be something different if LC was found to have stolen money from customers themselves or had purposely sold their customers private info in the black market so their credit was used illegally. That's not what happened. I'm not defending the company or anything. But LC being banned from a tradeshow when they haven't done anything illegal (technically being hacked and having absolutely no PR skills to handle the issues isn't's just proof that not everyone can run a business correctly) to constitute it...not realistic. If people really wanted to "hurt" LC at IMATS they would choose to NOT visit their booth and spend money. Nothing worse (and more costly) for any of these companies than to come to a tradeshow 3000 miles away and at the end of the tradeshow have almost all of the stock they arrived with. It costs a ton to transport their products. It's why a lot of great last ditch sales occur in the last 1-2 hours of the last day of a tradeshow. The more they can get rid of the less they'll have to pay to ship it back. Besides, banning them from IMATS doesn't do anything if the complaint is solely that the site hasn't announced a restock date...especially if people are still planning on buying from the site. :shrugs:
I don't mean IMATS would just ban them on their own bc I agree they don't really have a reason, I just meant like if enough people were complaining, I'm not sure what their response to that type of thing is as a venue


Well-known member
I don't mean IMATS would just ban them on their own bc I agree they don't really have a reason, I just meant like if enough people were complaining, I'm not sure what their response to that type of thing is as a venue
I don't think complaints about their outside issues would sway IMATS choice on allowing them to continue to get venue space. If the complaints were about actual issues at IMATS (being ripped off at the booth for example or even extremely poor treatment of attendees during the show) then yeah, I can def see them no longer allowing them to buy a booth space. But not being popular on the floor...IMATS doesn't make their money from the sales each brand makes. They make their money from the brand buying floor space and from event tickets being sold. They get paid if attendees skip LC's booth or if they sell everything they bring.


Well-known member
I doubt they would be banned since they paid for a venue spot. They may choose to pull out but IMATS isn't going to ban them for their company woes. It would be something different if LC was found to have stolen money from customers themselves or had purposely sold their customers private info in the black market so their credit was used illegally. That's not what happened. I'm not defending the company or anything. But LC being banned from a tradeshow when they haven't done anything illegal (technically being hacked and having absolutely no PR skills to handle the issues isn't's just proof that not everyone can run a business correctly) to constitute it...not realistic. If people really wanted to "hurt" LC at IMATS they would choose to NOT visit their booth and spend money. Nothing worse (and more costly) for any of these companies than to come to a tradeshow 3000 miles away and at the end of the tradeshow have almost all of the stock they arrived with. It costs a ton to transport their products. It's why a lot of great last ditch sales occur in the last 1-2 hours of the last day of a tradeshow. The more they can get rid of the less they'll have to pay to ship it back. Besides, banning them from IMATS doesn't do anything if the complaint is solely that the site hasn't announced a restock date...especially if people are still planning on buying from the site. :shrugs:
Actually, they did do something illegal. They let their security lapse on their systems (I'm not technically savy, so i don't know all terms). When you sell products online, youre required by law to have a security features in place on your systems that prevent hackers from obtaining the information. She let her subscription for those security features expire. That is illegal.


Well-known member
Actually, they did do something illegal. They let their security lapse on their systems (I'm not technically savy, so i don't know all terms). When you sell products online, youre required by law to have a security features in place on your systems that prevent hackers from obtaining the information. She let her subscription for those security features expire. That is illegal.
If it was there SSL Certificate that expired (if warning messages came up to visitors saying that the sites certificate expired or was about to expire) that's actually not illegal. It's extremely stupid and lazy for a company to allow it to expire or to not renew it as soon as they are aware that it has but it's not illegal. Those are the security protocol certificates that usually come from a company like Verisign. They aren't required BUT consumers are warned against visiting any site or conducting any business with a site that has allowed their certificate to expire until that site renews it. I'm not sure if that's the security feature you're referring to though.


Well-known member
If people really wanted to "hurt" LC at IMATS they would choose to NOT visit their booth and spend money. Nothing worse (and more costly) for any of these companies than to come to a tradeshow 3000 miles away and at the end of the tradeshow have almost all of the stock they arrived with. It costs a ton to transport their products. It's why a lot of great last ditch sales occur in the last 1-2 hours of the last day of a tradeshow. The more they can get rid of the less they'll have to pay to ship it back. Besides, banning them from IMATS doesn't do anything if the complaint is solely that the site hasn't announced a restock date...especially if people are still planning on buying from the site.
Exactly!!! But people get so caught up in hype, her booth will probably be packed. smh


Well-known member
Lol! Yeah better safe than sorry I may just have to pick up utopia along with riot.
Very smart, i will do the same. I'm going to try and get cashmere. I don't support doe Deere as a human but I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face w this one product. It will be my first and last purchase. I think the security breach was mostly incompetence, but will be interested to see if she receives criminal penalties but we may never know. Either way she's got some bad karma going on and I doubt any big retailer will be looking to distribute her products any time soon. That's the ultimate blow to a company trying to take their business to the next level, I think.


Well-known member
If people really wanted to "hurt" LC at IMATS they would choose to NOT visit their booth and spend money. Nothing worse (and more costly) for any of these companies than to come to a tradeshow 3000 miles away and at the end of the tradeshow have almost all of the stock they arrived with. It costs a ton to transport their products. It's why a lot of great last ditch sales occur in the last 1-2 hours of the last day of a tradeshow. The more they can get rid of the less they'll have to pay to ship it back. Besides, banning them from IMATS doesn't do anything if the complaint is solely that the site hasn't announced a restock date...especially if people are still planning on buying from the site.
I agree. Don't know much about IMATS but from a business perspective, I don't see them pulling LC out of the lineup unless they do something illegal. Though I wonder if LC will face any repercussions for not notifying their customers of the fraud in a timely manner. People need to boycott their booth if they want to hurt DD but we know that won't happen, especially with the gossip of them going under and people thinking this may be their last chance to get cashmere and venus. LC being there will definitely draw more customers overall so it benefits IMATS either way. I think Sephora pulled out either because LC couldn't guarantee the stock or because of their controversy-- it affects the company's brand since they are directly selling the product and engaging in business relationships with them but since IMATS is a convention, I doubt they care as much. I would absolutely LOVE to watch the drama though if something did happen with LC at IMATS

I still want cashmere but I don't want to shop through LC's site or support her whatsoever. I'm hoping whoever was going to mix the LASplash colors in the Liquid Lipstick thread comes to a dupe for Cashmere so I can just buy those instead.


Well-known member
Im still undecided if I want to purchase from them again or not. I still like their products and I want Riot im just a little ehhhhhh about it lol


Well-known member
It is going to be tempting to buy more Cashmere.. I truly love that Velvetine.. both on its own -- and mixed with other things.. hmmm.. I would love to buy 2 more... but I really do not like dealing w/them.. sighs.

I just bought Chinchilla lipstick from a blog sale, even though it was only discounted $1 .. but - at least I did not have to order straight from LC again..

Anyone else hate Pansy? This a color I normally LOVE, but it is just so patchy.. I have applied it multiple ways.. multiple times -- and it is just a patchy mess.. I have resorted to mixing it with my Anastasia liquid lipsticks -- to get it to work.. sooo disappointing.. :-(be I

ETA~~ maybe I just got a bad tube of Pansy..


Well-known member
What gets me is that their packaging is so nice, it doesn't look cheap or generic like other brands (cough ABH). Even their cardboard mailer looks like something you'd actually want to reuse. I'm so annoyed with them as a company yet I still want more. :drool: I feel like I'm in an abusive relationship here!