Lime Crime Lipstick


Well-known member
I think she's just trying to distract people away from the scandal with something new. This probably wasn't originally set to release for a while


Well-known member
I don't understand how she can post a "new" shade, but she hasn't released Riot yet. And where is Venus? Like whettt? How does she rationalize that?
She's probably trying to turn the tide on the discussion of all the credit card theft. One of the things really hurting LC is its bad business practices. Yeah it's not nice to its customers and the owner is immature but at the end of the day it's a poorly run business. She announced Venus and Riot but that hasn't put a dent in the chaos surrounding her brand. Now even though she can't produce those two in demand items she's announcing another new lipstick so that people can go, "Ooh pretty new color!" and stop talking about the issues. Everyone's going to do what they're going to do but I'd be careful for those who do choose to purchase from LC. Sometimes people learn their lessons from one mistake and improve, I don't think that's going to happen with this brand. It might be another 5 years down the line but another incident will happen because that's what their business practice is. They cut corners and lie, they don't respect the opinions of others and will put their customers at risk to save a buck.


Well-known member
Looks like a watered down version of Pansy to me as well.
! yup riot fell into pansy and became rave!!!


Well-known member
Like I mentioned before I don't actually follow LC on social media (no particular reason...I don't follow a lot of brands I like products on unless I want to actively know everything going on lol. I'm funny like that :shrugs: ). Did she actually announce a new color? The pic looks like a screen shot from the website so I'm just curious if she actually announced a new color or if it's just something you stumbled across if you went to the site.


Well-known member
I think tumblr might be the last place to get on board the anti LC train. Only because I haven't seen anything negative about them on there. 
There used to be a huge tumblr dedicated to all of Doe's bullshit, but Doe threatened to file some kind of suit and it was taken down.

Dolly Snow

Like I mentioned before I don't actually follow LC on social media (no particular reason...I don't follow a lot of brands I like products on unless I want to actively know everything going on lol. I'm funny like that :shrugs: ). Did she actually announce a new color? The pic looks like a screen shot from the website so I'm just curious if she actually announced a new color or if it's just something you stumbled across if you went to the site.
She hasn't announced anything...yet! It is just randomly up on the site.


Well-known member
It looks like a Lavender Jade-esque color. I think this is the first liquid lavender colored lipstick I've seen. Shame LC sucks at life...because they've really been ahead of the trends with the last couple of products they've put out.


Well-known member
Purple and lavender lipsticks are always attention-getters in every line. So you guys are probably right about the timing of the release. It does look like lighter version of Pansy. I like the shade, but I don't think I will get it.