Lime Crime Lipstick


Well-known member
Wow! I wonder how Rave will fair against your skintone. You using any lipliner with it?
I keep staring at it trying to figure out what to do with it lol. I have Dodgy Girl and I was able to make it work with Heroine. It has dried down some and looks less neon now, so maybe I can pair Nightingale or even Nightmoth with it.


Well-known member
I don't like Riot against my skintone it looks odd. I'm going to see how it works with different liners. Its too rusty in a bad way.


Well-known member
So I posted this in the liquid lipstick thread but here is lasplash latte confession which is supposed to be a dupe for riot.


Well-known member
I got Venus too, I'll swatch that later
Wow. Rave does not pull any purple on you at all. I was hoping it would be more purple than pink on darker skin. Love Cashmere and Riot on you though although I wish Riot was a tad bit more brick red.


Well-known member
I ordered Venus last night. No idea when it's coming since I just went ahead and ordered with pp on the site and then changed my password. I figured I've always wanted it and in case her mess gets them Closed I might as well grab it. Supposedly the Marsala srphora palette has dupes which I have but I don't think the colors are close enough.


Well-known member
Wow. Rave does not pull any purple on you at all. I was hoping it would be more purple than pink on darker skin. Love Cashmere and Riot on you though although I wish Riot was a tad bit more brick red.
It dried down now and it looks more in the Lavender Jade/Dodgy Girl family. I'll give it a go with a lip liner and see what happens. So far I'm liking the looks of Riot...hopefully it's not streaky


Well-known member
Seriously be safe when posting your LC hauls! Someone got all up on my post on IG.
I was just going through that D!! :shock: spreading awareness??!!!lmao! What do they do ? Just wait on a new post on that hashtag and then Jump on it? Sad really!!


Well-known member
I was just going through that D!!
spreading awareness??!!!lmao! What do they do ? Just wait on a new post on that hashtag and then Jump on it? Sad really!!
I understand being upset, livid etc. but to go to the lengths of posting ish on people's personal IG profiles... that's a new low.


Well-known member
I understand people being very upset. But to shame and attack strangers that had nothing to do with it pisses me off.


Well-known member
Hiiii ya'll. I don't know why I was creepin' around LC's website. I fell in love with the look of Utopia. I'm still a bit sketched out by their website. Anybody know of possible dupes? Much appreciated!!

ETA: I see KVD's Luv looks like one. Any other suggestions?


Well-known member
I caved and bought Venus Palette, Riot and Rave. Even though I normally don't wear the shades in the eye palette, I wanted to see what all the hype was about. Hopefully, the red pigment in them doesn't irritate my eyes.

Dolly Snow

Say what? People need to chill though!
I understand people being very upset. But to shame and attack strangers that had nothing to do with it pisses me off.
The LC haters seem to be as childish as Doe herself.
:werd:  I understand being upset, livid etc. but to go to the lengths of posting ish on people's personal IG profiles... that's a new low. 
I was just going through that D!! :shock: spreading awareness??!!!lmao! What do they do ? Just wait on a new post on that hashtag and then Jump on it? Sad really!!
So pathetic.
They wait and then jump on posts. I've been keeping an eye on them and they do it often. She started listing dupes from other companies and brands and told me to educate myself...if she looked through my IG and educated herself, she'd see I have all those brands products and posted dupes for LC for those interested.

Dolly Snow

Hiiii ya'll. I don't know why I was creepin' around LC's website. I fell in love with the look of Utopia. I'm still a bit sketched out by their website. Anybody know of possible dupes? Much appreciated!!  ETA: I see KVD's Luv looks like one. Any other suggestions? 
KVD bauhua5....I think