Lime Crime Lipstick


Well-known member
So apparently "soon" really isn't soon
LOL!!! Now tell me what the hell takes time for a product you already released (Venus)???? She is a trip. I am pretty sure her customers are getting pissed right about now. Especially seeing IG'ers wearing Riot with no indication when it will be available to the public.


Well-known member
Wow! Coming soon and in production are two completely different things! Its gonna be months before they probably get the products in. If I wasn't really wanting the products Id be so done. Didn't the no eyebrow girl say it was coming out this week? Like where do these people get their information from?


Well-known member
Watch her delay this all the way up until IMATS. To throw everyone into a frenzy (as if we arent already are).
I bet that's what is going to happen. Unnecessary drama. That corner with the LimeCrime stall and the ABH booth I will now be avoiding like the plague!


Well-known member
She is ridiculous! I bet that's what is going to happen. Unnecessary drama. That corner with the LimeCrime stall and the ABH booth I will now be avoiding like the plague! 
Honestly....that area is going to be slammed pack regardless of if this release happens now or then lol. I hope it releases before then though....I really don't want to stand in their line at IMATS unless I go to it on pro night and the line isn't out of the door. Otherwise...I can wait to order it and the few other items I want. Just think maybe they shouldn't have sent so many IGers Riot when they knew they weren't ready to release it. :shrugs:


Well-known member
Honestly....that area is going to be slammed pack regardless of if this release happens now or then lol. I hope it releases before then though....I really don't want to stand in their line at IMATS unless I go to it on pro night and the line isn't out of the door. Otherwise...I can wait to order it and the few other items I want. Just think maybe they shouldn't have sent so many IGers Riot when they knew they weren't ready to release it.
So true! Even if they sent them out for wear reviews, they should have at least made it a part of the agreement that the IG users wouldn't release pics etc. until close to the actual release date. All the other brands do it!


Well-known member
I saw this on the dupethat instagram and luckily screencapped it cause when I went to look for it to link it here, it was gone. I'm not sure why because the person mentioned has a private profile so...I don't know. But either way I thought people might be interested.



Well-known member
She is ridiculous! I bet that's what is going to happen. Unnecessary drama. That corner with the LimeCrime stall and the ABH booth I will now be avoiding like the plague! 
I will be avoiding her booth at IMATS like the plaque too. She is an awful businesswoman. She needs to learn how to manage expectations with her customers.


Well-known member
I saw this on the dupethat instagram and luckily screencapped it cause when I went to look for it to link it here, it was gone. I'm not sure why because the person mentioned has a private profile so...I don't know. But either way I thought people might be interested.

Hmm. This only makes sense to do if one has Cashmere and Suedeberry already. I dont have either, so it doesnt make sense for me to spend $40 to dupe a $20 product.


Well-known member
I still want the Venus palette. If it doesnt come back in stock at Naimies or UO or even LC themselves before IMATS...ill be there bright and early--which I was planning on doing anyway cuz I wanna shop and then leave in time for brunch!

Plus I kinda want that bright lime green shopping bag from IMATS I saw everyone with last year...


Well-known member
I still want the Venus palette. If it doesnt come back in stock at Naimies or UO or even LC themselves before IMATS...ill be there bright and early--which I was planning on doing anyway cuz I wanna shop and then leave in time for brunch!
That bag is cute! I think I want the Sugarpill one the most.


Well-known member
I still want the Venus palette. If it doesnt come back in stock at Naimies or UO or even LC themselves before IMATS...ill be there bright and early--which I was planning on doing anyway cuz I wanna shop and then leave in time for brunch!

Plus I kinda want that bright lime green shopping bag from IMATS I saw everyone with last year...
I want it too, but kind of feel like it's dupeable enough with some MAC shades.


Well-known member
I tried that combo for work the other day because I just happen to have both. Its very pretty and quite similar but if you don't already own both...


Well-known member
How annoying. I'm waiting for the cashmere restock. She is laughing all the way to the bank, even with these lackluster business practices. Shame!


Well-known member
I am done with Lime Crime. I like Riot but I don't have to have it. That sounds like a quickly worded statement that she was told to make to settle down the growing chorus of criticism.
Lol what got me was the passive aggressive smiley. :lol: