Lindsey Lohan Arrested...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
What's up with Dina? Did she have somethin' to do with the tip off police got or what?

As far as LL, we all know the bracelet, rehab, and AA meetings were a way to make her insurable for the money to back productions she's involved with. To get caught AGAIN though? It's going to be really difficult for her to recover from this professionally.

She can recover professionally i.e. Drew Barrymore, Robert Downey, Jr. Now if she worked @ the bank or the local grocery store....probably not!


Well-known member
This chick is a prime example of what happens when you have too much money, no common sense and no one has ever taught you that life has boundaries. She is like a perfect storm of bad parenting combined with plain old stupidity.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Dina's more a 'party friend' type of influence than a 'mother guidance' type of influence on both her kids.
LiLo was drinking, smoking, doing drugs, etc. in front of her mother prior to rehab, she's been doing it since rehab, and she'll continue to do it until she's dead.
Her mother would rather party beside her and live off the money Lindsay has made since being a small child in movies than actually put her foot in Lindsay's ass and help her straighten up and out.
She's a HUGE enabler of this nonsense, and, as someone said, the sad part is, Lohan actually has a semblance of talent, unlike other people in her peer group.

You and I usually have very different viewpoints but I could not agree more with everything that you have said here.


Well-known member
Her and Britney Spears are going nowhere and fast. At least Lindsey has the brains not to bring children in to her lifestyle unlike Britney. I wish they would both get help and stop flooding our news with their bull s**t.


Well-known member
Did anyone hear about Britney's recent Breakdown? , She ordered fried chicken at a photo shoot then wiped her hands on some designer dress!
and she was also caught picking up DOG POO with a Chanel (or like) Dress!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
This chick is a prime example of what happens when you have too much money, no common sense and no one has ever taught you that life has boundaries. She is like a perfect storm of bad parenting combined with plain old stupidity.

apparently she is low on money, she was trying to sell her pictures to the "razzi" to make some cash the night before.

but yes. I agree.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Her and Britney Spears are going nowhere and fast. At least Lindsey has the brains not to bring children in to her lifestyle unlike Britney. I wish they would both get help and stop flooding our news with their bull s**t.

It's not exactly their fault they're in the news for this stuff. It's their fault they commit the actions that they do, but the fact they make headline news over the state of Iraq, for instance, is an entirely different party's fault.

Lindsay looks awful. She's a year younger than I, and she looks like she's lived a hard 30 years.

I'm not sure if Lindsay can pull a Drew Barrymore. I know about Drew's issues, but was she pulling DUIs? Was she feuding with people left and right, showing up late to moviesets, etc.? Drew also benefited from being a part of an esteemed Hollywood family.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Drew also benefited from being a part of an esteemed Hollywood family.

Two, if I recall correctly...the Drews and the Barrymores. I think.

Lohan doesn't have that clout in her blood.

Her mugshot looks like a meth face.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Did anyone hear about Britney's recent Breakdown? , She ordered fried chicken at a photo shoot then wiped her hands on some designer dress!
and she was also caught picking up DOG POO with a Chanel (or like) Dress!!!

hahaha... fried chicken... :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
hahaha... fried chicken... :p

haha I know right?!

"some body get me some Popeyes! Im hungggrraayy "


Well-known member
If this were anybody else, people would be pissed off and nobody would be defending them. Because this is a famous person, who is obviously very troubled, I couldn't believe how many people were saying that jail time is "too harsh" for her.
She could have KILLED someone. Or herself (I wouldn't have cared about the latter, it would have been her own fault). People think rehab would be enough; are you fucking kidding me? She's been to rehab what, two, three times in the last year and a half? Doesn't look like it's working. And I'm willing to bet money that her damn ankle bracelet wasn't even on, and if it were; alcohol monitoring bracelets don't really detect cocaine very well.
I think she deserves the maximum sentence in a REAL prison. And she needs to go to REAL rehab center. Promises is a fucking hotel. Let's look at all the people who've come out of Promises...Britney Spears is a fucking mess and I hope someone gets those kids. Clearly Lindsay Lohan didn't do too well after Promises, considering this is her 2nd DUI/Drug arrest in 2 months.

On another note, I hate that this kind of news gets more coverage than current real issues such as the war and the presidential election and debates. Last night on CNN I saw NOTHING but Lindsay Blowhan news. And some supposed psychotherapist for criminals (A credentialed professional one might think) had nothing better to say or do than make up little rhymes and poems and nicknames for the poor sod.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
It's not exactly their fault they're in the news for this stuff. It's their fault they commit the actions that they do, but the fact they make headline news over the state of Iraq, for instance, is an entirely different party's fault.

Lindsay looks awful. She's a year younger than I, and she looks like she's lived a hard 30 years.

I'm not sure if Lindsay can pull a Drew Barrymore. I know about Drew's issues, but was she pulling DUIs? Was she feuding with people left and right, showing up late to moviesets, etc.? Drew also benefited from being a part of an esteemed Hollywood family.

Drew wasn't old enough for DUI; she was like 13.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
On another note, I hate that this kind of news gets more coverage than current real issues such as the war and the presidential election and debates. Last night on CNN I saw NOTHING but Lindsay Blowhan news. And some supposed psychotherapist for criminals (A credentialed professional one might think) had nothing better to say or do than make up little rhymes and poems and nicknames for the poor sod.

Thats because the war in Iraq and the Presidential news doesn't make rateings. Were over the war. Every day I read Yahoo news, and see another headline, 80 kill, 150 killed, 25 killed, killed killed killed... I'm bored of it. Those news articles don't even make the most popular list, which is based on what people click on, not what the new agencies choose.

Know who's in the most popular? Lindasy Lohan lol. I'd rather read about a trainwreck starlet than the war in Iraq anyday. And so far most of the presidential canidates have been pretty uninspiring.

More trainwrecks please.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
The debates the other night were pretty good, since the YouTube people surprisingly produced some cool questions and Anderson Cooper did his thing by keeping the candidates on track. My favorite question was when each person had to say something they like and then something they disliked about the person to the left.

Of course, Anderson Cooper is my older man crush, but it was all around a good entertaining time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Of course, Anderson Cooper is my older man crush, but it was all around a good entertaining time.

Heh Anderson Cooper is pretty hot. To bad he's gay =(