Lindsey Lohan as Marylin Monroe!? NSFW!!


Well-known member
I never thought in a million years that one day I'd see LL's breasts. C'mon... the Parent Trap? Get A Clue? I tought of those movies when I saw these photos. And I'm eally not impressed by them.
And regarding the breast issue... I'm 16 and I've had breasts since I was 9. I'm a 32G. Mine look pretty similar to hers. If those are implants, the doctor did a pretty good job.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
That's actually incorrect, she really wasn't classy. She was a promiscuous drug addled addict, she was just more discrete than Lohan is.

So many people think she's classy. I don't think she's classy at all.

I don't like Marilyn Monroe.
I don't like Lindsey Lohan.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pinkish*RED
ps. her boobs are NOT perfect to be showing them off like that

So because someone doesn't have "perfect" boobs they shouldn't show them off?


Well-known member
I'm sorry people, but unless you really know all about Marilyn Monroe please don't call her names! In the era she was brought up in she was taken advantage of, used for her beauty, and made to be something she wasn't

If you know anything about her at all you know she didn't kill herself, KENNEDY and his buddies did. It was well known he used women for whatever he wanted. How about allowing her to die...not calling for an ambulance till way later when "the guys" had a chance to clean up any evidence of who was there!

She was a pawn.... she had no idea what she was getting in to at her age and at that time. She was BORN IN 1926 PEOPLE!!!!!! Think about it!
She DIED in 1962 before some of you were even BORN! She died at the age of 36 ! She didn't even have a life.........

Why do you think she is an ICON to this day!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
she is a beauty...why is everyone outraged? it's just a photo shoot! marilyn was just as effed up/drug addicted anyway, & hardly professional for most of her career

Hehe thats where the similarities lie between LL and MM. Come to think of it, the photoshoot was pretty appropriate then!


Well-known member
I'm sorry people, but unless you really know all about Marilyn Monroe please don't call her names! In the era she was brought up in she was taken advantage of, used for her beauty, and made to be something she wasn't

I doubt anyone held her down and made her do drugs, film movies, and pose in photo shoots. Naivete is not an excuse.

If you know anything about her at all you know she didn't kill herself, KENNEDY and his buddies did.

That's never been substantiated, so you should follow your own advice above about not calling people names.

She was a pawn.... she had no idea what she was getting in to at her age and at that time. She was BORN IN 1926 PEOPLE!!!!!! Think about it!
She DIED in 1962 before some of you were even BORN! She died at the age of 36 ! She didn't even have a life.........

Again, naivete is not an excuse. Lots of young people do drugs without knowing what they're getting into, and that's their choice. They said yes when they could have said no.

Back on topic, yeah she's not a deadringer for Marilyn, but that trainwreck is sure headed down the same track.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chameleonmary
Hehe thats where the similarities lie between LL and MM. Come to think of it, the photoshoot was pretty appropriate then!

NO.. there are NO similarities between the two.. LL is just trying to look like an icon of long ago.. as have many others. THAT's all.

There was no .. awww. put her in rehab.. and then watch her go out and do it all again. Times were all different then. The drugs we have today did not even exist nor did the use of them.

The photo shoot was ..again.. as many have...trying to achieve the "look" that Marilyn had..not her lifestyle. LL lifestyle and Marilyns have NO connection. Do your homework people.....instead of just saying things


Well-known member
being NIEVE is part of Marilyns upbringing. She did NOT come from a high end home and just get pushed in to being in films or anything. She DIED from an overdose of sleeping pills...from despression and being forced and warned not to tell anything that she knew about the Kennedys. You can say that is all speculation, but read the reality parts and who she called, and who showed up at her house and who didnt call anyone for hours. You know..just end the comparison to MM right now.

LL is NOTHING compared to Marilyn........grow up


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FlaLadyB
being NIEVE is part of Marilyns upbringing. She did NOT come from a high end home and just get pushed in to being in films or anything.

And I didn't come from a high-end home, either. Lots of people in my high school did drugs, and I was VERY naive at that time. But that didn't stop me from educating myself and taking a different path.

LL is headed down a similar path. She was "pushed" into Hollywood at a young, naive age and has since chosen to head down a path that may very well lead to tragedy.

I don't think anyone here is saying that LL embodies all that MM was. It's just been noted that many stages of their lives are eerily similar and LL may very well end up like MM did...dead at an early age. There's really no need to get all worked up about this.


Well-known member
no, i think marilyn knew what she was doing right up to the point when she died.
lindsay on the other hand hasn't made a calculated step in years.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FlaLadyB
being NIEVE is part of Marilyns upbringing. She did NOT come from a high end home and just get pushed in to being in films or anything. She DIED from an overdose of sleeping pills...from despression and being forced and warned not to tell anything that she knew about the Kennedys. You can say that is all speculation, but read the reality parts and who she called, and who showed up at her house and who didnt call anyone for hours. You know..just end the comparison to MM right now.

LL is NOTHING compared to Marilyn........grow up

Didn't you just say the Kennedys had her killed? idgi.

Marilyn Monroe was promiscuous. Naive or not, she was drug addled and addicted. She had serious issues with lots of different things, but idolizing her isn't exactly looking up to the best example.


Well-known member
I like LL and I do think that she can be a pretty girl, but like most of you have said, these pictures don't do her justice.
I do think that her boobs are super gorgeous though. Eh.... i dunno why she did this. Personally I don't like these pics of her...


Well-known member
I think Lindsay is a beautiful woman... I think she looks pretty in the photos. It's awesome that she gets a chance to pay homage to someone that she really idolizes. I think her breasts are beautiful, and she has nothing to be ashamed of.
If paparazzi was following any of us around constantly I'm sure that not one person would come out smelling like roses. When I was younger, I had many a drunken night that I made a complete ass out of myself, tried drugs, had flings... not a big deal right??? We've all done it, at least part of it... only we bitch and complain and judge her for her mistakes... she's young, one day she will look back and think to herself... damn, I wish I would have had more sense, until then, let her do her...


Well-known member
Why do these threads always turn into a "None-of-us-are-perfect" thread? None of us are, and having it pointed out is the risk you take when you put yourself in a fishbowl/spotlight. It's a moot point to talk about all the pressure she's under because for every Britney, Lindsey and Paris, there's a dime a dozen other celebs who have it just as bad and they are not cracking under pressure.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Why do these threads always turn into a "None-of-us-are-perfect" thread? None of us are, and having it pointed out is the risk you take when you put yourself in a fishbowl/spotlight. It's a moot point to talk about all the pressure she's under because for every Britney, Lindsey and Paris, there's a dime a dozen other celebs who have it just as bad and they are not cracking under pressure.

Exactly, there are plenty of other celebs, such as Natalie Portman and Reese Witherspoon, who deal with the pressures of being in the spotlight in a much more productive manner. They haven't been to rehab, they haven't flashed their vaginas. They're just as famous (if not more), and yet somehow, they've found a way to rise above and live as normal life as possible.


Well-known member
I thought these pictures were so tacky. She looks nothing like Marilyn Monroe. Her body is obviously quite nice but she just doesn't resemble Marilyn to me.

These pictures do not seem artistic to me in the slightest- they seem like a well-timed publicity stunt by young woman who, at age 21, is a washed-up has-been with a designer clothing habit to support.

I just don't understand why anyone likes Lindsay at all. I don't think she has any talent whatsoever. She made a movie when she was 8 where she played twins and then she made a movie when she was 17 about bitchy teenage girls. What a stretch. Any movie I've seen her in has been too terrible to continue watching and I seem to recall that all of her recent movies have bombed. I don't think she's doing anything for employment now either.

Her family is pure trash- her mother acts like a madam and her father is an animal. She and her sister look twice their natural ages, if not older.

I just don't get it.


Well-known member
These threads probably turn into "none of us are perfect" threads because the whole judgmental thing gets OLD!!!
What could homegirl possibly do to gain your respect??? Nothing, you have already judged her for what the media has told you she is...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Starbright211
These threads probably turn into "none of us are perfect" threads because the whole judgmental thing gets OLD!!!

Welcome to messageboards 101. Topics are posted, opinions are given.....over and over and over....

Originally Posted by Starbright211
What could homegirl possibly do to gain your respect??? Nothing, you have already judged her for what the media has told you she is...

Why are we respecting her again? Other than the fact that she's a human being, am I supposed to bow at her feet and kiss her ass? She's done music and movies. It's not like she freed slaves or ended a war. Good Lord....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Starbright211
What could homegirl possibly do to gain your respect??? Nothing, you have already judged her for what the media has told you she is...

Well, for starters, she could wear panties...

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