Lobotomy - New Depression Cure - NEXT on 60 minutes!


Well-known member
i didnt get to see this 60 minutes (wish i had) but i dont find the manner in which you posted that very funny. i've suffered from treatment-resistant depression since before i was 10 years old, and no combination of medicine or medicine/therapy has helped me thus far.

when it comes to life-threatening depression that won't go away, brain surgery could be a totally possible option for some. i definitely don't appreciate you taking it in a light and funny manner.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
i definitely don't appreciate you taking it in a light and funny manner.

And how was anyone supposed to know this little piece of information? It's not as if we list our medical history in our signatures. I'm sorry if I offended you.


Well-known member
I just think it would be very difficult to REALLY be sure it's even doing anything. At what point does the patient, who has gone to such extreme measures to cure themselves, begin to justify/rationalize for the sake of it.

I think a lot of our behavioral sciences are very ackward and inhumane. Once you get to some of these extreme, "therapy's." Especially when you start removing parts of people's brains.

As someone who has waves of severe depression, I just dont think it's a good idea. I think there are other more manageable ways for people to fix whats making them unhappy in their lives. Other than letting some doctor do exporatory surgery on someone's brain.

Edit -

I mean c'mon, who came up with this? Were they just sitting in a room and thought, "Well if there always sad, why dont we just take away their ability to be sad by opperating on that part of the brain. That way they can't be sad anymore!"

How is this good medicine? Emotion is part of the human expierence.


Well-known member
...I just had a creepy vision of the future where they take everything out of your brain that could be a potential threat to you (or others) right after you are born... Cause you know, it makes life soooo much safer and easier, right?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharyn
...I just had a creepy vision of the future where they take everything out of your brain that could be a potential threat to you (or others) right after you are born... Cause you know, it makes life soooo much safer and easier, right?


there's a difference between saving someone's life and making things more convenient for people.


Well-known member
Please bear in mind that this is a very sensitive topic, and that expression of opinion is welcomed, as long as it's respectful and mindful of the feelings of those around us.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
there's a difference between saving someone's life and making things more convenient for people.

My thought was that it could be possible that some day this method is not only used to safe people's lifes but to cure every little anomaly. That is, IMO, not unlikely... and not a world that I'd like to live in.

I did not mean to offend anyone or and definitely never wanted to make fun of people who suffer from depression... I wanted to say that I see a problem in changing things in people's brains cause it might become common and one might lose control over what is done to one's brain... uuum I hope you know what I mean, if not, dont bother to ask, I'll try and describe it (english is not my native language)


Well-known member
The other thing that botheres me about this surgery, is that it's not addressing the problems in the person life that are causing the depression. All it's doing is eliminating the emotion that goes along with it.

In my opinion, based on my expierences with depression (I'm sure it's different for everyone so this isn't absolute), there are things in a individuals life that are causing them to be sad. Some of these reasons may be deeply personal, and the person dealing with it, might not even be confortable talking to family about it (family can even BE the problem sometimes). For fear of their reaction. They also might be afraid of how others would look upon them if they eliminated whatever it is thats causing their depression. Fear of disapointment. The whole, if I did this, I would be being selfish, for not taking into consideration other people's feelings. Etc etc etc. But sometimes you just gotta say, f it, and do what makes YOU happy. Are people gonna get hurt in the process? Probably. But you can't live every day of your life for someone else.

I dont believe that people are born depressed. Things in their life cause them to be depressed. Change your life, fix the problem.


Well-known member
There are people though, whose bodies simply don't function properly when it comes to maintaining the hormonal levels to be "in balance".


Well-known member
exactly what Shimmer said. depression can either be because of something that has happened, which IS the more common problem. however if you research depression, you will find that some people's neurotransmitters don't work right, causing hormonal imbalances which cause depression. for most people with this sort of depression, medicine helps. however there are treatment-resistant people, which i am one of.

mine is a combination. i am currently on medicine combination #6, and having some therapy every couple weeks. i don't live the easiest life, but my problem is definitely not enviornmental.

it is with this small crowd that this surgery could be lifechanging, and sharyn, i doubt this surgery would become common as this is a small crowd relative to the entire population of people who suffer from depression.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
There are people though, whose bodies simply don't function properly when it comes to maintaining the hormonal levels to be "in balance".

I'm not disagreeing with this. Like I said, it wasn't absolute, and I'm sure it's possible for people to have chemical imbalances in their brains. But how does, "electro- shock-therapy" (if you can even call it therapy) address that? And i don't see how removing a piece of the person brain that is receptive to whatever chemical is a good solution.

Even extremely depressed people can have moments of happiness. So to me, this seems like an extreme solution. It's not like you can get that piece of you back.


Well-known member
i may be getting electroshock therapy. there's a long reason why its believed to work, but it basically just changes your brain waves. please look into these things before you claim they cannot work.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
i may be getting electroshock therapy. there's a long reason why its believed to work, but it basically just changes your brain waves. please look into these things before you claim they cannot work.

Considering how controversial the procedure is with no agreements that the treatment is safe, and beneficial, compared to the risks, and long term side effects, I would be leery of any doctor recommending it. Any doctor who recommends this procedure is obviously pro electro-shock. And isn't likeley to give you an unbiased opinion.

Might wanna look into this too~

In the UK the doctrine of informed consent is not recognised in law and patients are given relatively little information about ECT. A recent review found that only about half of patients felt they were given sufficient information about ECT and its side effects,[59] another survey found that about fifty per cent of psychiatrists and nurses agreed with them.[60]

Treatments like these can cause irreversable damage to you body, and brain. And I only wonder how many people are rushed into making life changing (and possibly harmful) decisions about recommended practices because they are desperate for a cure.

And it's not just chaning your brain waves. It's causing a seizure. Please be safe in any "extreme" type of procedure you allow anyone to do on your body, and especially your brain. The reality of all this, is that the people doing this type of medacine really dont know, and a lot of it is guess work.

I know how bad living with depression is. Just be careful your not commiting yourself to more than you think you are.


Well-known member
i knew all that dear, as i've researched these things before i make opinions on them.

i also find it unbelievable you could start this thread with no intention of hurting someone's feelings, when depression is unfortunately prevalent. read through the deep thoughts forum, and you'll find many people who suffer from depression. i thought you would realize that before you posted, especially since you lurk around the deep thoughts so much, attacking people's beliefs.

whether you believe this surgery/ECT could work or not, you could not possibly have started this thread with any positive intentions.


Well-known member
Actually I just found the topic interesting. And thought it might be fun to talk about.

Edit - Just because a topic is sensitive in nature, shoulnd't make it taboo to openly talk about. I find this topic especially interesting, as I deal with my own issues on a daily basis. Believe me, i know what it's like to want to die. To cry your self asleep. To not want to get out of bed in the morning. To not have a social life because of no longer caring. I didn't ask to be born, believe me, had I been given a choice, i would have politely declined. But just like you, I'm here and making the best of it. And just like you, I'm working through my own problems as I sometimes struggle to get through another day. While the causes of your depression my be different then mine, the expierence is similar.

And "dear," I have read about electro-shock treatment. Just because were not in agreement with regards to it's benefits, doesn't make my opinion on the procedure any less valid.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
you cannot honestly say you started this topic with positive intentions.

In all honesty, I dont really care enough to keep track of everyones prejudices, biases, emotional baggage, hopes, dreams, desires, wants, wishes, loves, hates, lusts, needs, etc. To wonder which of the 3197 members of Specktra might possibly be offended because I linked an article that they identify with.

I even apologised to you, when you mentioned your situation, which is VERY out of charector for me.


Well-known member
No reason to close the thread, an apology and correction was made in a timely and responsive manner. Discussion can continue outside of that issue.

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