Local Salon selling "MAC"


Well-known member
So I was talking to my mom who is on her way to Atlanta, I asked her to stop at the CCO to pick up some foundation and she proceeded to tell me one of her Friends at home is now Selling MAC through her Salon. We then got into a heated argument about the Authenticity of the products.

Should I continue to make my "case" ? I mean i truly believe her friend would not knowingly sell counterfeit products , but she should know that she more than likely is unless she is buying from MAC or a CCO and then reselling I'm sure she is selling fake products.

What do you ladies think ?


Well-known member
Well, if she bought a whole bunch straight from MAC and/or CCO, then it should be ok BUT if your mum's friend bought them from her "legitimate MAC supplier/wholesaler" then I'd proceed with the case.. I don't really encourage verbal fights though. :| Hope everything will work out!!


Well-known member
I'd reserve judgement until I saw the products.

You mother's friend could well be reselling items she has picked up from a CCO, but then again it may be a case of a "wholesaler" offering counterfeit products and this lady being duped.

Getting into a fight about it? Not worth it. Having a conversation about the products and not getting emotional about it, but staying rational and only offering hard proof one way or the other? Might work.


Well-known member
I didn't argue with her friend about it , but my mother lol. She is one of those people that just will not accept that she doesn't know everything. So no matter what she says she will defend it to the death ( weather it be right or wrong). She simply would not listen to the fact that MAC doesn't supply salons and you must buy from MAC or a CCO .... She still Vehemently claims they have Suppliers.... This is why I'm afraid they are fakes .... I don't live at home but I thought I'd make her take me to the salon when we get home and I can take my real Vanilla pigment and my Fake vanilla pigment ( grr) and show them the difference.

I hope she will be open to reason and will understand that they are fake. MAC is foreign in our area the nearest freestanding store is three hours away ... The nearest CCO is even farther so people around that area probably wouldn't know the difference.

I also understand that she has a large stock ... So it will be a really hard pill to swallow.