London girls - 20% off at MAC Carnaby Street


Well-known member
Make sure you have a list to hand just in case it gets too mad in there


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovegreen
Make sure you have a list to hand just in case it gets too mad in there

Cheers for the reminder

As if it isnt already busy! lol. Im sure itll be very packed tomorrow. I cant wait to spend a little in Bnever too. I love their perfumes, theyre gorgeous.


Well-known member
Hey girls... you got your lists ready. I am trying to narrow down my list right now. It is so bloody hard. I won't be getting there until about 5:30. This is what I plan on getting...

Satin Taupe e/s
Antiqued e/s (maybe)
Copperplate e/s
Prussian e/s
Handwritten e/s
Graphology e/s
Poison Pen e/s
Blacktrack e/s (need a new one)
Fix + (need a new one)
2 x 15 Pan Palettes
Sharkskin shadestick
Illegal Cargo e/s

You can tell that I am going through a Matte 2 phase. I love the M2 e/s. They are all gorgeous. I was originally planning on getting all of them. I plan on getting pans for all of the e/s except for Illegal Cargo. I want to narrow down the list some more. That is just way too much stuff.


Well-known member
On my list is
Old gold pg
Naked pg
pro pan e/s in bio green, crystal avalanche, satellite dreams, vex, shimmermoss, romp, black tied, expensive pink or da bling, patina
Powerpoint in engraved & eye kohl in facinating
#37 lashes
pro lash colour platinum plus
184 brush
select tint or face & body foundation for when I go on holiday


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovegreen
On my list is
Old gold pg
Naked pg
pro pan e/s in bio green, crystal avalanche, satellite dreams, vex, shimmermoss, romp, black tied, expensive pink or da bling, patina
Powerpoint in engraved & eye kohl in facinating
#37 lashes
pro lash colour platinum plus
184 brush
select tint or face & body foundation for when I go on holiday

Damn!!! You have a big list. You are so lucky. I am trying to cut mine down. I don't want to spend more than £70.


Well-known member
I know I'm trying to get in all the bits I've wanted for ages while we have the 20% discount.

Now I'm hoping the dazzleglasses come out in July as with this and the neo sci fi, etc this month I'll be all MAC-ed out !


Well-known member
I went there and it was crazy!!!! I got there around 5:15 and stood in the rain until about 5:45 and finally got in. Then stood in the que to pay for about another 45 minutes. They didn't even have all the stuff that I wanted. I wasn't able to get Graphology, Antiqued, Handwritten, and Poison Pen. They didn't unpack all of there shipment for some reason.

When I left, there was a que going all the way down the street. It was hot and stuffy in there and you couldn't look at nothing but I am glad that I went. I ended up saving around £25. I am going to post my haul in the haul section.

Green... it was so nice to meet you. We should try to plan a meetup for maybe Neo Sci-fi next week and see if any of the other London gals want to go to. I was looking to see if I could see any of the other Specktra girls there.


Well-known member
It sounds as if although it must have been hectic, it would have been fun to have been there (and get that great discount!). Thanks for reporting back, ladies.


Well-known member
I rearranged my meetings then had to work late anyway! Glad a few of you were able to make it and grab some bargains.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor

Green... it was so nice to meet you. We should try to plan a meetup for maybe Neo Sci-fi next week and see if any of the other London gals want to go to. I was looking to see if I could see any of the other Specktra girls there.

It was great to meet you too it's always nice when you see someone who's just as obsessed as you.

I think I spent the best part of an hour in the queue it was pandemonium !! They still didn't have Bio Green e/s in the pro pan I've been waiting ages for that also several other bits and pieces but can get them next week.

I saved around £40 so am happy with what I managed to pick up even though it wasn't the full list.

I'll post my haul up later & it would be nice to meet some other specktralites when neo sci fi comes out too


Well-known member
I arrived in Carnaby st at about 7:15ish and the que for mac was crazy! I decided to go to Bnever instead, and to look for some jeans in miss sixty.

Im glad you all had a lovely time getting your bargains.
The que was too insane for me to wait, and I decided I could go there another time and get the 25% pro member discount

I would love to meet a few specktra members. It'd be really nice! Although I'd be really shy! hehe


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shepherdess
I arrived in Carnaby st at about 7:15ish and the que for mac was crazy! I decided to go to Bnever instead, and to look for some jeans in miss sixty.

Im glad you all had a lovely time getting your bargains.
The que was too insane for me to wait, and I decided I could go there another time and get the 25% pro member discount

I would love to meet a few specktra members. It'd be really nice! Although I'd be really shy! hehe

I am the shyest person in the world!!! Sometimes... I can talk and talk but other times, I feel strange and awkward with new people. I think it helps when you all have something in common.

Ok... I am going to post a thread in here for a meetup next week and see who is interested. It is a good excuse with some new collections coming out.


Well-known member
I am SO annoyed I couldn't come to this
Silly bf getting in the way! hehe. Sounds like it was mega busy though so in a way i'm kinda glad. Hopefully they'll have one in the future? *fingers crossed*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
^^ I seem to remember that they've had at least one other similar event before, so the likelihood is that they'll have another one again - but not sure when. Hopefully, very soon! *fingers crossed*

Crossing my fingers too
! I didn't get to get everything that I wanted.

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