Longer/acrylic nails at work?


Well-known member
I struggle to keep my natural nails looking nice & it seems every time I get them to a decent length they want to crack, break, etc. I use stengthener, I even tried taking Biotin but I can't handle those huge pills on a daily basis. I used to always wear acrylics years ago & I was thinking about maybe going back to them. I would get them pretty short so that they look more natural. But, I am just worried that they will get in the way with things like applying false lashes to customers. So, my question is how many of you that work at MAC wear acrylics & do you find that it interferes with your make-up applications?


Well-known member
Yes I have acrylic nails, they are a good length but not too long, They do not interfere with my makup application at all. What I like about them is they are durable, and the polish stays on! Remember along with a pretty face goes pretty fingers and I think nice clean polished fingernails are a must in this business. (Even natrual nails are fine as long as they are presentable)
hope this helped


Well-known member
I have acrylic nails and I don't think it interferes at all!! The one thing is I used to go through tons of different acrylic colors and now since I'm at mac I can only have black or white.. It's cool though!! I actually find it easy to put on lashes with them because I can hold them really precisely and I can use the corner of my nail to press the edges of the lashes if the glue isn't really holding that well... You know?? I think you just have to wear them and figure out if you can handle it with makeup application and whatnot.


Well-known member
sweet!!! black nails!

sounds good to me and my nails tend to break too and then getting product underneath them is just plain nasty... at least with acrylics, you won't be able to see the "stuff" when you're playing with the makeup


Well-known member
I cant work WITHOUT my nails on, i feel like my hands look scruffy! I have them as short as they can get them and I find them fine for applying moisturiser or whatever, i only ever have problems with picking things up off the floor lol...


Well-known member
Don't get them too long, though. I swear every time I had to schematicize the lipstick stand, I was constantly nicking the lipsticks.