LORAC Mega Pro Palette (October 7th, 2014)


Well-known member
I think that most people were watching both sites so when it appeared to be sold out on Lorac, they waited for Amazon. Amazon is willing to ship overseas so the Canadian buyers as well as other Internationals were able to purchase. There probably will be at least one restock on either site.


Well-known member
I just went to Amazon and they're sold out of them. They do ask for your email for when they restock. What gets me mad with LORAC is that somebody on FB asked if they will restock on THEIR website and they said that once it sells out that they won't restock but that Amazon will?! Wtf?!! You would think that with the way they hyped it up that they would actually restock. What about if those that can't buy it this week but can next week, that means that no luck then? Myself included) Really don't like how they're handling their business. Not even Urban Decay play with their customers like this. Sorry for the rant just really bummed out that I can't buy it today and nobody wants to get it for me. Im about to just forget about the palette all together. I literally feel like crying (pathetic I am I know =( just been going through some things and that would've cheered me up a bit (sigh) I'll just suck it up.


Well-known member
I ordered from amazon.com , I checked ordere history and it said preparing for shipment .


Well-known member
Sorry for the rant just really bummed out that I can't buy it today and nobody wants to get it for me. Im about to just forget about the palette all together. I literally feel like crying (pathetic I am I know =( just been going through some things and that would've cheered me up a bit (sigh) I'll just suck it up.
*HUGS* I hear ya girl, it'll be okay. As epic as it would be to have the palette, remember it's "only" make-up ( I know that's such a line )

I'm in the UK and hoping my CP has been able to get me one but I honestly won't be surprised if they haven't. I'm not holding my breath because I hate being disappointed. Then again, just never know. I'd help you if I could.

I agree though -- the way they're handling this is all wrong. I can't get anything from Lorac here so I was hoping for this to be my taster into the brand as it has more jewel tones in it than the others do but eh, too much hype and not enough product annoys me -- like MAC all over again.


Well-known member
I can't believe I'm seeing how fast this palette sold out. I wasn't expecting that. But I will say that it better be all that if not I'm getting rid of mine so fast


I am Canadian.. does anyone suspect Amazon will restock, like, TODAY? I'm sitting here refreshing like a stupid crazy person.


Active member
Sarru..I would check Lorac's facebook for the updated information. Or maybe someone here has the inside scoop.


Well-known member
I ordered from Lorac and Amazon so if anyone wants one let me know. I was waiting for Amazon but when Lorac released first I jumped on it...as I said I wanted to buy through Amazon bc I had a gc. I don't think Lorac will cancel my order so I will have 2 extra.


Well-known member
I ordered from Lorac and Amazon so if anyone wants one let me know.  I was waiting for Amazon but when Lorac released first I jumped on it...as I said I wanted to buy through Amazon bc I had a gc.  I don't think Lorac will cancel my order so I will have 2 extra.  
[@]Sarru[/@] [@]foxxylatina07[/@] see above


I would buy from you!!! Insert heart eyes here.. :D


Well-known member
Sorry, guys. Obviously don't post much, I mostly lurk around here. Common sense went out the window because I was kind of excited. It sucks being Canadian. D: haha
No worries hon. I'm a Canadian in the UK -- trust, I know how frustrating it is to get your hands on some things!


Well-known member
According to Lorac's response on Facebook, it appears that they will not be restocking Amazon or Lorac's website after it sells out, "Palette is limited edition, part of our Holiday 2014 Collection and exclusive to LORAC.com and Amazon until it sells out on both sites. Hope that helps! Xx" (Btw, they were responding to someone who asked if it will be restocked). Not sure if that will be the case, but just a heads up if you are still on the fence about getting the palette!


Well-known member
wonder why it sold out first at Amazon than Lorac?  more international shipping options??
I just went to Amazon and they're sold out of them. They do ask for your email for when they restock. What gets me mad with LORAC is that somebody on FB asked if they will restock on THEIR website and they said that once it sells out that they won't restock but that Amazon will?! Wtf?!! You would think that with the way they hyped it up that they would actually restock. What about if those that can't buy it this week but can next week, that means that no luck then? Myself included) Really don't like how they're handling their business. Not even Urban Decay play with their customers like this. Sorry for the rant just really bummed out that I can't buy it today and nobody wants to get it for me. Im about to just forget about the palette all together. I literally feel like crying (pathetic I am I know =( just been going through some things and that would've cheered me up a bit (sigh) I'll just suck it up.
You can always request a CP. Tons of people on here are willing to do it.

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