Losing interest in his own health


Well-known member
Help! My brother is in dire need to wake up from being a couch potato. He gained 30 lbs in just three months. He just sits in our living room to play games and watch tv shows. Before, he was really into fitness. He went to the gym and watched his nutrition. But now, I don't know what happened to him. I can't even convince him to walk with me. Being a fitness geek myself, I really want to help him. Do you have any advice for me?


Staff member
Does he have depression? Depression -- and I think mental illness in general? -- can be demotivating for a lot of people. That may be something he needs to get checked for.

What will not help him is shaming him for this. That will make it worse.


Well-known member
I'm not really sure why he is feeling down the past few months. But I do agree with you that he may be depressed. I would try to open up a conversation about his going on therapy if that's what he needs.


Well-known member
I second trying to get him a little help. Sometimes people can just lose motivation but it could be a chemical imbalance or something else could be wrong


New User
I don't think you can help him. Only he can make the decision that what he's doing isn't working for him. I'd maybe try to slightly nudge him, but if he resists just leave him be and he'll start taking care of himself when he's ready.


Well-known member
Hi! How is your brother doing? My friend is going through somthing similar. It seems he really suffers from depression and I want to help him.


Active member
We need to take a good care of our health while we are still young, cause later on we will regret it.
In one point of your life you can just find yourself looking at the hearing aid supplies and there is nothing you can change about it. Protection our skin, vision, hearing is not less important than eating healthy and doing exercises.
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