Losing Make Up


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Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I lose various items all the time & I'm always very upset. Someone broke into my sister's car & stole her traincase...she lost all of her makeup.


Active member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I just bought the HK mimmy lipglass and took it with me that night out to go clubbing....and I lost it!!!! hopefully I can buy another one before it sells out....but I cant believe I lost it on the same day i bought it!! boooohooo!!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I can't find my so scarlet l/s, I think i'm gonna cry. Why is it always the le stuff that goes missing!!!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I think we should all have a moment of silence for the missing MAC. May you all be remembered!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

Can someone please tell me why I constantly lose lip/eye liners??!?! I often bring them to work with me for touch-ups during the day. I've lost my Graphblack Technakohl, Summerfruit lipliner, my Brownborder Technakohl, and another Mauvey-color lipliner... GAH. It drives me batty!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

Funny story about when I went to Poland I couldnt find my blush and was about to call the reception to report a theft but i decided to look properly first and then i found it under my bed.
Would have been embarassing if i actually accused one of the cleaning ladies just to find it under my bed later on


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

My Rougette mattene is gone. I have no idea where it is and I'm sad as hell because I loved it. I can only assume it got lost when I moved or something, but I want it backkk.

I lost Hot Tahiti for about 8 months. Then my parents lifted up the living room couch because the cats pushed a toy under there and lo! My dad was like,"Wtf is that thing?" and my mom was like, "That looks like a MAC lipstick!" My mom doesn't even wear MAC and she knew what it was, hahaha!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

Originally Posted by tremorviolet
I can't find my Shygirl lippie and I've looked everywhere.
I think it may have rolled out of my purse somewhere. I really liked it but I know if I rebuy it, I'll find it that same day...

I found Shygirl! It was in the very back of my traincase (don't know why, I store my lippie in a different box). Just in time to pair it with Smile dazzleglass!


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

My Amber Lights, Industry Pencil, and Studio Tech went on vacation while I was on vacation and my friend was house sitting. I know she uses my make-up (not like I don't have enough to share) but she doesn't always put my stuff back and some times I wonder if she takes it thinking I won't notice .


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

Originally Posted by HeatherLouWho
My Amber Lights, Industry Pencil, and Studio Tech went on vacation while I was on vacation and my friend was house sitting. I know she uses my make-up (not like I don't have enough to share) but she doesn't always put my stuff back and some times I wonder if she takes it thinking I won't notice .

Next time she's over, you should totally be like, "Oh, I want to show you this eyeshadow, it's called Amber Lights and I think you would love it!" And then look distraught when you can't find it. See if it shows up next time you get back from vacation.


Well-known member
Re: Ever lost any of your MAC items and gone insane?!?!

I've always THOUGHT I've lost mine, but in reality, my mom just took a bunch of my lippies and put them in her purse! GRR MOM.. Doesn't ever ask!


Well-known member
Does Your M.A.C. run away?

Mine does. I'll go for a specific product and it's gone. Most recently, today, my Naked Rose Cremestick Liner. Before that it was my Amethyst eyeshadow. I don't have people near my makeup and I don't take it and lose it. I just have no idea where it goes!


Well-known member
Re: Does Your M.A.C. run away?

At the moment Im missing Pleasantry mineralise blush, Viva Glam VI SE l/s and sweet & single l/s.
Lipsticks go missing ALL THE TIME, probably cuz I change bags so much, but I have checked all of them and they are still missing

I usually find my stuff at a later date, when Im looking for something else though, like the next time Im looking for a plum blush I'll probably find pleasantry :p murphy's law in full force!


Well-known member
Re: Does Your M.A.C. run away?

Maybe not run away...But I have a habit of setting things in their non rightful place and forgetting where that place is when I look for it....But it's always one or two places so I always find it ...In my makeup room or in the bathroom...sometimes in the bottom of my purse


Active member
Re: Does Your M.A.C. run away?

I lost my freckletone lippie and I was soooo sad for two weeks. I was contemplating whether or not I should buy another one because I loved it so much. But then I remembered that I had left it in another bag (I tend to switch my handbags every other week).

It's "lost" again, though LOL
I went to a friend's bday party and carried it in my clutch and haven't used that clutch since. It's probably still in there. I'm just too lazy to fish it out at the moment.


Active member
Re: Does Your M.A.C. run away?

*sigh* yes...... Metamorph, Leisuretime, and Woodwinked are all MIA. It's not like I take my e/s with me when I go, so where could they be? I MISS them! Please come home......
Re: Does Your M.A.C. run away?

My lipstick always goes missing, often as it slips out of my bag when I'm in the car! However recently I lost my blitz + glitz fluidline, I get a funny feeling I left it at my friends house after a night out but it never seemed to turn up :-S


Well-known member
Re: Does Your M.A.C. run away?

if i lost any of my stuff. i'd be one angry lil mama. but so far, nothings vanished. thank god.


Well-known member
Re: Does Your M.A.C. run away?

My makeup travels with me a lot . . . I've "lost" more than a few things that ended up in "accidentally" in other kits. . . Hmmm.