losing weight support thread part II


Well-known member
way to go jamie!
keep us posted on your progress! kathytoo, don't go back into the shadows! we are all here to support you!!! **hugs kathytoo
** congratulations sanne and facesbyniki on your weight loss!!! that's AWESOME!!
chelsea how'd your thyroid test go?


Active member
my husband started to go to the dietitian 3 months ago - he has lost 12kgs so far and has built up a lot of muscle - its really all from exercise and cutting back on things such as meat, alcohol and processed foods - oh and soft drink. I have noticed since I cut out cheese, ice cream, biscuits, white bread and sugery things I have lost a few kgs too - but I think exercise is the key!


Well-known member
I lost tree pound the last month, so that bring the total of the last 3 months to a lost of 4pounds


Well-known member
I did it! I joined my local weight watchers this evening and I am really excited! I bought the little starter kit thing and I have just been reading everything I can get my hands on.

The push was finding out a good friend of mine has lost 60 lbs in less than a year with weight watchers and we can go to meetings together!


Well-known member
I don't know if this helps or not, but this is how I lost 40lbs in 5 months. First, I got off my butt and joined Curves. Then I stopped drinking pop and juice and started drinking water instead. This is a big one!! Juice and pop have lots of empty calories in them. I also cut out all my beloved junk food. I ate plain popcorn for a snack instead of chips, and fruit instead of candy. Instead of cutting out bread and rice and pasta, I replaced them with whole wheat or multigrain versions. Check the fibre content of all your food. Fibre is good. Flax seed can be purchased ground up and is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is great to add to protein shakes, or sprinkle on cereal. I also ate more lean protein. I didn't really cut down on carbs, I just ate smarter carbs. (ie. fibre rich) If anyone is interested in hearing more tips, I am happy to answer them if you pm me. I have kept the weight off for 2 years now and feel great. I know you can all do this. Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can! Oh yeah, it probably helps that I would rather buy a new lip gloss or e/s than food...................


Well-known member
You guys should try Lindora. It is a little bit more expensive than ww i think.. however it is very helpful and truely works.. not to mention it is done in a safe way and you see doctors on your visit and it is dont according to your bodies needs. My mom did this and she looks great. I', not sure on the specifics but i know that she lost something like 20 - 25 lbs in like 2 1/2 monthes or something. dont quote me on that tho. the only thing about it is that you must continue to eat healthy and workout or at least get some sort of excersize in order to keep the wight off after ytou loose it. but they have like a diet the put you on in the beginning for Loosing the weight then you go on a less strict diet for everyday eating and managing the weight.

just thought id share her success with you.



Well-known member
Way to go Janice, the first bit is the hardest part and then when you see results, it motivates you so much!


Well-known member
Wll, I think it is about time I join in on this... First of all, congratulations to all you girls who have joined, and to those who have lost a couple (or a lot!) of pounds, I truly admire you.
I'm 21, almost 22 and I've always been the "chubby" type, but this year my life turned upside down, lots of things happened (i really don't want to get into details here
) and I've gained even more weight to the point me where I don't fit in ANY of my clothes, I feel awful, I know it is not that much because of eating junk, because I've always had a somehow healthy eating program (rarely ever drink anything other than milk or water, eat properly, etc) BUT I believe what I'm missing here is excercise.... yes, I'm such a lazy a$$... i barely ever do something.
so now I'm worried, I'm having trouble with hormone levels, I'm getting tested almost every month, my thyroid is being monitored, and now I'm having to get magnetic resonace to see if the possible cause for my issues is a pituitary tumor
doctors say it is the least possible cause, but still they have to be sure, so then if it's not the tumor (lets hope it is not) then the cause of my weight issue is thyroid gland, and if it is so, a treatment can help me solve that... BUT (and here's where I just lose my breath *sighs*) they've told me even when the issue is fixed, I'll probably not lose a lot of weight because I've always been chubby... and I'll have to start dieting and excercising...
So now in the midst of my depression about being fat, I really need some support, I'm planning on doing it myself, so I'd really appreciate it of you guys if I could get some ideas and instructions on what to do and what not to.
I plan to start walking, because if I try to start running or jogging right away I'll probably just faint, I'm such a couch potato, I get fatigued waaaay too easily when doing physical activities. and then maybe pushups or something... My mom has all the winsor pilates videos, but I'm rather skeptical that pilates will get a beach ball like me, slender :S
what do you think? I'm starting this morning (It's 1:45 a.m. here hehehe) and I realy really hope to have the willpower to do this, I'd love to be thinner. no rushes, no hurries, but I do want to notice something that keeps me motivated to do this.
whew! thanks for reading my rant/worries, and thanks for your support and inspiration, I'll keep u posted


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
I lost another 5 lbs this week and got a gold star!! woo hoo!

Congradulations!!!! So proud of my little sis


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nikki_v83
so i asked my friend to create a workout plan that will allow me to lose 5 pounds a week. he did (reluctantly) and it is totally working.

Hi!! Thanks for sharing your goals! I am totally the same as you, I used to be a size 4/6! Then emotional problems caused me to balloon over a period of about 3 years, one day I just got FED UP with being chubby!
I joined weight watchers 3 weeks ago and I have lost 10.4 lbs (first week was just my "starting" weight, I have lost 5 lbs each week) in two weeks!

If you don't mind could you share this fitness plan your friend made you? My goal is also to lose 5 lbs per week cumulating in about 55 lbs of loss, which so far :crosses fingers: has been relativly easy for me.
I would love to have a plan from a trainer that has a goal of 5 lbs per week! So far I have just been walking/jogging 3 miles per day.

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