Wll, I think it is about time I join in on this... First of all, congratulations to all you girls who have joined, and to those who have lost a couple (or a lot!) of pounds, I truly admire you.
I'm 21, almost 22 and I've always been the "chubby" type, but this year my life turned upside down, lots of things happened (i really don't want to get into details here
) and I've gained even more weight to the point me where I don't fit in ANY of my clothes, I feel awful, I know it is not that much because of eating junk, because I've always had a somehow healthy eating program (rarely ever drink anything other than milk or water, eat properly, etc) BUT I believe what I'm missing here is excercise.... yes, I'm such a lazy a$$... i barely ever do something.
so now I'm worried, I'm having trouble with hormone levels, I'm getting tested almost every month, my thyroid is being monitored, and now I'm having to get magnetic resonace to see if the possible cause for my issues is a pituitary tumor
doctors say it is the least possible cause, but still they have to be sure, so then if it's not the tumor (lets hope it is not) then the cause of my weight issue is thyroid gland, and if it is so, a treatment can help me solve that... BUT (and here's where I just lose my breath *sighs*) they've told me even when the issue is fixed, I'll probably not lose a lot of weight because I've always been chubby... and I'll have to start dieting and excercising...
So now in the midst of my depression about being fat, I really need some support, I'm planning on doing it myself, so I'd really appreciate it of you guys if I could get some ideas and instructions on what to do and what not to.
I plan to start walking, because if I try to start running or jogging right away I'll probably just faint, I'm such a couch potato, I get fatigued waaaay too easily when doing physical activities. and then maybe pushups or something... My mom has all the winsor pilates videos, but I'm rather skeptical that pilates will get a beach ball like me, slender :S
what do you think? I'm starting this morning (It's 1:45 a.m. here hehehe) and I realy really hope to have the willpower to do this, I'd love to be thinner. no rushes, no hurries, but I do want to notice something that keeps me motivated to do this.
whew! thanks for reading my rant/worries, and thanks for your support and inspiration, I'll keep u posted