Louise Young Brushes - Where to get in USA


Active member
Ive been hearing alot lately about Louise Young Brushes.Does anyone know where i can get these in USA? Besides EBay though.I personally don't use EBay.Ive looked on the Louise Young website and i don't believe they ship to USA,unless i missed the information on the site.But if im wrong please let me know.And if anyone in USA has purchased and had them shipped I'm wondering what you paid? Thanks everyone


Active member
Originally Posted by Odette
They will ship anywhere in the world, just email them.

Actually i already did email them....asking if they would ship to me in the USA but i never got a reply.I guess i can try to email them again.Thanks for your help.


New member
they do ship to the usa, I just got mine, it averages $10 to $11 for international shipping.


Well-known member
Yes, they definitely ship to the US. I ordered several brushes, and the essential eyeshadow palette.


Staff member
Back in November, they tweeted saying they'll be more readily available in the US sometime this year. I don't know anything else beyond that. Personally I'm hoping for a somewhat lower price point. https://twitter.com/#!/LYCosmetics/status/140012687777214464


Staff member
Uppitydate! :) Looks like they'll, hopefully, be available in the US toward the end of the year. https://twitter.com/#!/LYCosmetics/status/162823776998924288


Staff member
Finally bit the bullet and ordered a couple of brushes, and got them in this past Thursday -- LY14 and LY38. I'm already in love with them.


Staff member
Looks like they'll have some news for US customers soon! :) https://twitter.com/LYCosmetics/status/261837965884530689


Well-known member
I really want to try that huge fan brush that Goss used in his contouring video. I'm glad they're available through Nordies now bc I'll be able to get them now :)


Well-known member
The fan brush is nice, but it does shed A LOT, just so you know!
I've had mine for several months now and every time it's shed... has gotten better with time≈ƒ˙ç√∫祆∂¥