love for specktra :)


Well-known member
would i be called crazy if i said this site has literally changed my life?

i went through such a bad depression this summer, and have been for the past five years. this summer it got really really bad. i discovered focusing your mind on others things really does help immensely....and for me, that thing was makeup
and as far as makeup, where would i be without specktra?

along with that, i've found people so compassionate and helping here i almost can't believe it. you would be surprised how little things can encourage someone
and to each and every one of you on this site, i want to give you a HUGE kiss and say thankyou. thank you for the information, thank you for the encouragement, for the compassion, for the listening... for everything.

and of course, there's being compassionate towards everyone else. i'll be honest...helping other people wasn't number one on my list a while ago. but after seeing how words can really help someone, i've taken to it, and now i LOVE answering people's questions, LOVE helping people out, LOVE recommending things to people that have helped me, LOVE listening to people, LOVE knowing i can make a difference

why can't the world be filled with the people like the ones i've found here at specktra?

i felt like i absolutely had to make this topic, to let all of you know that i appreciate each and every one of you...and that i want to help you all.

love you all
more than you know.<3333


Well-known member
Thank YOU! for this treadh

Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
would i be called crazy if i said this site has literally changed my life?

i went through such a bad depression this summer, and have been for the past five years. this summer it got really really bad. i discovered focusing your mind on others things really does help immensely....and for me, that thing was makeup
and as far as makeup, where would i be without specktra?

along with that, i've found people so compassionate and helping here i almost can't believe it. you would be surprised how little things can encourage someone
and to each and every one of you on this site, i want to give you a HUGE kiss and say thankyou. thank you for the information, thank you for the encouragement, for the compassion, for the listening... for everything.

and of course, there's being compassionate towards everyone else. i'll be honest...helping other people wasn't number one on my list a while ago. but after seeing how words can really help someone, i've taken to it, and now i LOVE answering people's questions, LOVE helping people out, LOVE recommending things to people that have helped me, LOVE listening to people, LOVE knowing i can make a difference

why can't the world be filled with the people like the ones i've found here at specktra?

i felt like i absolutely had to make this topic, to let all of you know that i appreciate each and every one of you...and that i want to help you all.

love you all
more than you know.<3333

You are so cute!! Thank you for this treadh! :loveya:


And you know what? i know the feeling of realy loving everyone here. I mean it for real
. This is the best forum ever!!.

I've said this before, i realy feel at home here

I'm always happy to be here. I mean you know how late it's over here lol!
But it's so much fun here!!

You girls should be so proud of all of this! Cause u'r al hotties, sweet and tallented! One things is to be hot and then to have ugly carater. But you guys are just gorgeous inside and outt! :notworthy:




Well-known member
I'm glad the site has had such a positive impact on your life. Sometimes people forget that there really IS another person on the other end of the keyboard and coax...and testaments like this really drive that home.


Well-known member
I had tears in my eyes as I read what you wrote. You are such a sweet girl. It's wonderful how you feel towards Specktra and how being on this forum had such a big impact on helping your depression ease up. I know how you feel; I also suffer from depression. You are not alone; there are millions of people who have depression. I read somewhere that by 2020, most of the world's population will have some sort of depressive disorder and anxiety. They gave a number or percent, but it boiled down to the majority of the world having it. I also feel like you do towards Specktra and all the wonderful members here...I just love hanging around here and I've been a member here for nearly a year and a half, I've noticed people come and go, but the good ones seem to stick around for the long haul! The staff here are helpful and very professional and I love how touchy matters are handled with class. Go Janice and crew!

Hang in there and I'll be checking on you from time to time around the boards.


Well-known member
Awwwwwwwe Hannah!
I almost cried reading this forum and listening to a sad piano musics..
Girl, you are soo adorable and I'm glad I became one of your friend
Girl keep on posting more forum, I'm sure I'll sit there and read them...
Yay Hannah


Well-known member
i agree, hannah... i LOVE it here, too. it's not crazy. a lot of people stereo type online communties and just the internet in general.

but some people also meet the loves of their lives over the net.

it's a powerful thing i think.

i don't have friends that i hang out with irl b/c i frankly haven't met anyone that i can connect with on all levels. and on specktra, i get that. it's a tight-knit community full of girls who have practically EVERYTHING in common.

we can share our deepest thoughts and not be criticized for it. we can literally BE OURSELVES in every way and not feel ashamed or embarrassed, but LOVED.

i am happy i found you all.... i'm not sad, lonely or depressed anymore.

other people may think we're weird, but hey, we have eachother!


Well-known member
IMO, there's no other forums like Specktra. I love it here and that's that
I've met so many wonderful ladies and gentlemen here, and I've learned so much about makeup as well as other issues/topics. Thanks all


Staff member
Originally Posted by aquarius11
I had tears in my eyes as I read what you wrote.

Me too!! I need a tissue please!!


Well-known member
Awwwwww hun, I had tears too!!
I've had a pretty bad time for a while, and it's so nice to be a able to talk to such sweet girls on here. If I ever have a bad day with depression, I know you girls are always here and always ready to help. Everyone is so sweet and it's not just the makeup that makes everyone so beautiful


Well-known member
awww -sniffle- i want to hug each and everyone of you, right now
i think im about to lose it...everyone here is so loving

i need a tissue now too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
awww -sniffle- i want to hug each and everyone of you, right now



Well-known member
Steps in clean up the tears...

Seriously, it's great to have you guys affirm that we are indeed getting something right sometimes.

Threads like this really speak to me personally. I'm very glad that in some way this site has contributed something meaningful to your life. It's always been a heartfelt desire to provide an open platform for others to share and pool resources. It thrills me to no end that this same concept has extended to beyond just sharing information with each other.


Well-known member
I totally agree with everyone! I've always thought everyone is super nice and always have something nice to say (not to mention great tips!). Just when your family thinks your nuts because you get bored at 10 pm and want to play with your make up, then you ask to do have the great peeps at specktra to tell you "your not nuts, I do that too!" You girls and guys rock my socks off!!! Love ya all! XOXO


Well-known member
I agree 100% with all of you
You all are the friends I don't have irl.
I feel like I can be the real me, with my qualities and weakness...
And it's great to chat with so many people, all around the globe!

I went on other boards or websites and there was always some people there who were mean to me just because I don't write perfectly in english... got tired of it, and meanwhile, somebody told me about this place, and here I am

Thank you, all of you for being patient with me



Well-known member
Hugs to you my friend. Coming from my heart to yours - I hear and understand what you are saying. Even though I not with you in person, I am in spirit and what you are saying means so much to my heart. Thank you for sending out such a wonderful and loving message.