This is such an amazing tutorial. I don't think you used too many pictures at all.
I love the way you've described each step helpfully; why you're doing what you're doing; why you've picked each specific brush for each specific task.
I also like the way your descriptions of products and tools make it easy for someone who doesn't have these exact products to substitute.
You're a very talented lady with a natural flair for experimenting with makeup and a clear and helpful way of explaining things.
Oh, and I am *so* pinching your "leftover foundation on brush for touchups" tip - I would never have thought of that - I'm messy as hell with eye makeup, but cope by keeping a makeup removing wipe at hand when I do my face to "undo" any little slipups then use the wipe to clean my brushes afterwards too.... the foundation brush tip will make patching things up after mistakes SOOOOOO easy!
Give yourself a pat on the back, honey, this rocks, and the look is really pretty