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"Love that old gold" tutorial (my 1st - pic heavy!)


Well-known member
this is great! it looks like you did this in a dimly lit room,which makes it harder,so this is just super. not too many pictures at all. its very helpful. you look so cute!!


New member
DEVIN SAID: "Thank you all again, &, yes...I'll quit being so nervous & thinking that the way I apply makeup must be wrong & just do more tutorials when I'm asked!"

Are you kidding me? You do absolutely NOTHING wrong when applying your makeup. You're my new makeup goddess to whom I bow in admiration and awe! Great tutorial. Thanks for showing us all your look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by daisydeadpetals
I totally agree!!

LOVE your name! ;D She's the greatest.

Devin- this is a gorgeous look! Great tut.

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