Lure Banned


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dstroyedangel said:
Originally Posted by 72Cosmo

By my saying that I didnt mean it as anything discriminatory or the such, I hope you understand, my mom is about your age as well and she isnt way conservative or liberal but Im sure that picture would get her to say ...oohhh..... MAC's advertising is aimed at catching your eye, getting you to make a second look and then thirdly approach over to where they can "lure,bait and hook you" ... lol

Oh, I didn't take it that way at all and of course I understand. It just seems to me that Belk's is being really silly about this.


Well-known member
This is ridiculous. I give them no kudos for refusing to sell this collection. Pardon my language, but this is bullshit. You think they would do something productive and refuse to sell perhaps clothing made in sweat shops? Wow, what a waste of managerial time. LOL I would love to meet the knobs who made this decision.

The naked body! OMG! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Runs...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
how do they handle a lingerie section?

granny panties and full coverage slips!!


Well-known member
breasts are a beautiful and essential part of the human female form.(are they essential in selling makeup,no,but sexuality sells everything!!?!)
I deal with this topic quite often as I am a proud breastfeeding mother.
The only time that they are shown in an inappropriate way, is if the posessor is being exploited. (In my strong opinion)
This model is perfectly empowered in her pose with her (fully concealed!!) breasts. This is ridiculous and another example of Right wing influence over every part of our lives.
It's just makeup people!(Berk's)


Well-known member
Fine if they don't want to hang the images ... whatever. But I'm so sure their customers would really appreciate being protected from the product. *rolls eyes* I don't think there's any evil fish woman boobies on the packaging.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wattage
You think they would do something productive and refuse to sell perhaps clothing made in sweat shops? Wow, what a waste of managerial time...

Gotta love selective morality.


Well-known member
that has to be the stupidest thing any store has done is a long while....Belk??? of all places to even HAVE MAC..... they will go by the wayside just like Woolworth


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dstroyedangel
As much as it DOESNT make sense to us, a younger generation to which these images are considered normal, this store apparently isnt concerned with what WE think but that of their consumers (old conservative people)--- it makes sense....
I've been to foreign countries, one of which Saudi Arabia has NO pictures whatsoever of any collections maybe some like symbols or like artwork for a collection- but never pictures of people (men/women/anything) oh yes and only men work at those counters....
just thought I'd let you know

and Saudi Arabia kills women just because they can...if the husband want another wife...or is just tired of the one he's OK TO KILL HER! and nothing is said or done about it....
Women in Saudi Arabia are considered worthless..


Well-known member
Selective morality is right! Speaking of selective....They find it offensive that this beautiful woman has her breasts COVERED by her own flowing hair, yet I am sure they would not find it offensive to have a picture of a woman covered by a bikini top in their swimsuit section. Makes me want to slap on some tassled pasties and go shopping at Belks!

I can see them not wanting to show the David LaChapelle Heatherette video or the like, but Lure??? Come on! They are treating this ad campaign as if it is pornographic. If they are that offended, why don't they stop selling MAC all together? Or would have too negative of an impact on profits? I guess they decided to selectively make a stand. Really impressive, huh?

Note to self: If I ever shop at Belks, don't wear a bra


Originally Posted by Colorqueen
Hmmm. Making such a stand takes guts, in my opinion.

Just order online- I never get to see MAC- we have no counters, stores, or ANYTHING here. I have to depend on you all to even let me know what is out there, and I have to order anything I want.

If I can do it all of the time, this once won't hurt you. You will appreciate having it around when you can buy it, that is for sure.


Umm...NO. That is NOT guts that thats taking. That is close-minded, uber conservative idiocy. The human body is not vulgar, sexuality is not vulgar, and going out of your way to make people believe that it is does not take guts. Being unashamed of being a woman and of the natural human sexuality that everyone possesses, in a world where people like that make you feel like its a sin...THAT takes guts. I would never ever buy anything from them again.


Originally Posted by Aprilrobin
Gotta love selective morality.

You are very right. That is so completely the basis of everything in this country.


Well-known member
Good grief. Don't hang the posters or postcards but still sell the products. It doesn't make any sense not to sell the products.


Well-known member
I <3 Canada... The Bay has up, right now at the counters in Toronto, the poster size Pam Anderson naked from the waist up with Viva Glam V on her back.
MAC was founded on risktaking - they were the first company to do any sort of fundraising for HIV AIDS when no one wanted to touch it - and they hired a transvestite to be the first cover girl...
Belks doesn't have a problem with the *money* MAC makes them. I'm all for respecting people's beliefs - but they can't take the profit from having a MAC counter and then censure the company. Some of the ads for cosmetics have fifteen year old girls posing in sexual ways with half naked men - legally child pornography - which is far more offensive to me than a grown topless of-legal-age woman.


I remember this store from when I lived in Florida. I noticed that Belk didn't have stores in Orlando proper, but at malls in the little small conservative towns on the outskirts.

The place just felt out of date every time I walked in there. I'm surprised they even carry MAC!


Well-known member
Lure postcard/image/wtvr is sooooo UGLY!!!!!!

It looks like a junky sewer mermaid, with sewer mud all over her body with a junky heroin tripping face, you can almost ear her say: " spare a lil' for my next heroin shot " or " I'll suck your c*ck for crack "

wtvr... Its the worst image mac ever came with... doesnt make me want to buy anything from the collection .....

plus the green paackging... eeewww!!!
no big lossss


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Quiana
@ T&A

I am in Nashville too..where the heck is the Belk Store here? If it is in Mt. Juliet (like I think I heard) do you even think there will be a MAC counter there?

Hello fellow Nashvillian! I went to that Mt Juliet Belk for the first time a few weeks ago because my SIL wanted to meet there, and they didn't seem very impressive in the make-up department! I doubt they'll ever get a MAC counter. (but that shopping area might be pretty amazing once they get done with it!)
Looks like they also have Belk in Springfield and Gallatin, but the only Belk in TN to have MAC is in Knoxville as someone mentioned.

Oh well, we have the freestanding in Green Hills, and counters in Parisian in Franklin & Hechts in Rivergate


Active member
Originally Posted by midnightlouise
, but the only Belk in TN to have MAC is in Knoxville as someone mentioned.

Johnson City TN Belk has a MAC counter too, where I feed my addiction.

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