Lush discussion


Well-known member
Does anybody else use their handmade bath and shower products. the smell absolutely beautiful and are brilliant for the skin. they have stores all over the UK, just wondered if they were as popular in the US and Canada.

My fave products are Rock star soap, candy bubble bar and lemslip shower wash


Well-known member
I've tried Slammer (I think that's the name), the shower gel, and a coconut soap. Neither one was very special. I'd like to try Dream Cream and more of their moisturizers!


Well-known member
I'm originally from the UK but live in Australia and quite fond of Lush, though I can no longer use the soaps as they're far too harsh for my skin.

Some of my faves are bath melts like Ceridwen's Cauldron, Floating Island, MMM, coconut and almond smoothie, massage bars, Angels on Bare Skin, Butterball, Think Pink, Sakura.

I really could go on! Haven't yet tried the new shower creams, as they only just came out over here. But I do look forward to doing so!


Well-known member
I looove Lush. Their melts are awesome, their bombs are the best and the bubble bars have ruined all other bubblebath for me

Floating Island, Dreamtime, Creamy Candy and Melting Marshamallow Moments melts, Creamy Candy, Turbo Bubble, and Hollywood bubble bars, and Think Pink, Waving Not Drowning, Butterball, Big Blue and Blackberry bombs are my ultimate faves.

For body stuff, Coconut and Almond Smoothie, Skinny Dip, and Snowcake soap are always in my bathroom


Well-known member
I am OBSESSED! I got into it, thinking, blah, maybe I'll actually use my jacuzzi tub once in awhile now. However, now I plan trips to the 2 hr-away LUSH store (I feel lucky to have one so close), stalk the forums for more LUSH, and order discontinueds, etc....I LOVE LUSH! I'm going there this weekend for my birthday haul YAY!


Well-known member
u know, i've heard so many people talk about lush but i;ve never heard of them
ido they have a website? their stuff sounds so good =)


New member
Love Lush!!!
I place about 3 orders already this year. I plan on buying a few items for family and friends this year. I really like the bubble bars!!!

JUNEPLUM....Yes they do have a site


New member
I lvoe lush! I love the massage bars, bubble bars, powders, buttercreams, bath bombs, soaps.. mm...


Well-known member
I LOVE lush, I think I may be a little obsessed with it too! Infact the only bath, shower and hair products (except for serums etc) I use are Lush! It's made my skin gorgeous, it smells yummy and it's bunny friendly too! Yay!


Well-known member
Totally forgot to give love to Angels on Bare Skin (scrub), Fresh Farmacy (facial soap), and Cupcake (fresh mask, which can't be done via mail-order outside of the UK, boooo), the combo of these 3 things makes my skin GLOW.


Well-known member
Another Lush UK fan here, along with Mac it's my other thing and i'm visit their forum just a little more than i do here and have been there longer. I don't use as much stuff there now as it gets too expensive.
I love Dream Cream, all skin products, shower gels, Avobath, and lots of other things.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower
I don't use as much stuff there now as it gets too expensive.

Exactly the same; I used to get so much more but the prices hiked up a fair bit and incidentally, so has my patronage of them. The good quality stuff is expensive; the cheaper stuff is really harsh on my skin, as a general rule.


Well-known member
all of their bubblebars, bath bombs, and melts i absolutely love, a nice girly bubbly bath is the ultimate relaxation for me so i use this stuff a lot


Well-known member
Hey, ya'll forgot my #1 fav...Buffy the Backside Slayer....LOVE IT!! I like the Bon Bombs, Butterballs and Honeybee bombs too. Lush is great! The American Cream Condition did dry out my colored hair though. I'm in South Louisiana....I wonder how the Lush in the French Quarter made out.....hhmmmm


Well-known member
I use all their bubble bar slices,shower gels and some of the skincare.The christmas stuff is really nice!


Does this stuff just smell really good or does it do spectacular things for your skin? The silky underpants sounds nice.

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