Lush discussion


Well-known member
Re: Lush

I really love my BIG shampoo. Now I will try Retread or Jungle conditioner as well!


Well-known member
Re: Lush

Originally Posted by kittykit
Are their face masks good?

Yes, although it depends on what your skin type is and which mask you're using. Certain masks are recommended for certain skin types/problems. I've used Mask of Magnaminty and Cupcake before, and I liked both.


Re: Lush

i'm sorry if this has been asked like a million times but have any of you tried melting down your soaps? i have porridge which i love but it starts getting pretty harsh after i've used it maybe a handful of times and i've heard that people melt them down, strain them and then get the soap they want. i tried once with a small piece just to try it out and it looked like it was just burning after maybe 5 seconds in the microwave. does anyone have any suggestings?


Well-known member
Re: Lush

I seriously need a LUSH intervention! It totally doesn't help that there's a boutique in the mall where I work. I usually end up going there about twice a week.
My recent favorites include BIG shampoo and Rehab shampoo. In the shower I will take a bit of BIG and mix it with a bit of Rehab, and it makes my hair soo shiny and soo soft! It looks great and feels amazing!
I also am in love with their face masks! So far I've tried the Love Lettuce and A Crash Course in Skincare. Both are awesome!
The list can go on and on....

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Re: Lush

I am in love with my Mange Too massage bar. I got it last week and cannot stop using it. My hubby really likes it too :p


Active member
Re: Lush

lush is love!
I found out about lush last year and ever since have been hooked, I buy soaps, bomb's, bubble bar's... omg melt's lol whatever I can get my hand's on, my store isn't close but i manage to still do damage
the girl's at the store 90 minutes away know me by name if that tell's ya anything... lush is just as addicting as MAC for me


Well-known member
Re: Lush

I love LUSH. Mange too makes me so happy. I loved the scent of the street party bath bomb...but not so much the glitter fallout in my tub.
I sniff my hair like a crack fiend after I use American Cream conditioner.

I can't wait till we move and I can put in a huge order!


Well-known member
Re: Lush

Sounds like you guys can help me here!

Lush do some kind of bring it back for freebies offer on containers.

Can you tell me which ones I can take back? Is it just black pots? Or can I take bubble bath bottles and lipbalm tins too?

Also, what do you get when you take these things back? I have heard about a "fresh face mask" what is this? Is that the only option? Any info plz!

Hope someone can help me!


Well-known member
Re: Have a Favorite LUSH Mask?

Mask of Magnaminty everytime! I like the sharp minty scent which is a nice change from a lot of thier other products which although fantastic can be a little cloying.
I am just finishing up my fourth tub of this stuff.
Best applied with the back of a spoon!


Well-known member
Re: Lush

Originally Posted by Susanne
I really love my BIG shampoo. Now I will try Retread or Jungle conditioner as well!

i got a hair care set today, it was 7 items for $14, and they are generous sample sizes! i got the one with Big and jungle conditioner. i thought of you susanne when i picked the Big set

Originally Posted by greengoesmoo
Sounds like you guys can help me here!

Lush do some kind of bring it back for freebies offer on containers.

Can you tell me which ones I can take back? Is it just black pots? Or can I take bubble bath bottles and lipbalm tins too?

Also, what do you get when you take these things back? I have heard about a "fresh face mask" what is this? Is that the only option? Any info plz!

Hope someone can help me!

i asked them about it today - the girl told me that its 5 of the black pots (like what ocean salt comes in), and you get a free face mask. its a great idea!)

i also picked up fresh pharmacy facewash to try, and got a sample of enzymion moisturiser to try out. i love lush!


Well-known member
Re: Have a Favorite LUSH Mask?

i think i will get MoM soon. i was on the look out for a mask as well. i just checked the lush website and they have lip scrubs... is that smtg new?


Well-known member
Re: Lush

Originally Posted by Nzsallyb
i got a hair care set today, it was 7 items for $14, and they are generous sample sizes! i got the one with Big and jungle conditioner. i thought of you susanne when i picked the Big set

i also picked up fresh pharmacy facewash to try, and got a sample of enzymion moisturiser to try out. i love lush!

My hair has really changed since I am using BIG shampoo!!

And I just wanted to write that I love Fresh Farmacy for cleaning my oily /combination skin in the mornings! I use Purity by Philosophy to take my makeup off in the eveningy, but Fresh Farmacy is awesome in the mornings. I got a sample as well and will definitely buy it!


Well-known member
Re: Have a Favorite LUSH Mask?

oh i must try MoM next time i go it! yes i think the lip scrubs are new product


Well-known member
Re: Lush

^^ You'll love the enzymoin!!
It says on the pot it's great under make up, and it's no lie! It's very light! I don't wear liquid foundation, just a dust of light powder and it keeps hold for hours!

I never go to thier website because I can't show restraint.

Have you tried the face mask you get free? Think it'd be suitable for oily skin?


Well-known member
Re: Lush

Originally Posted by greengoesmoo
^^ You'll love the enzymoin!!
It says on the pot it's great under make up, and it's no lie! It's very light! I don't wear liquid foundation, just a dust of light powder and it keeps hold for hours!

I never go to thier website because I can't show restraint.

Have you tried the face mask you get free? Think it'd be suitable for oily skin?

i think you get to pick the facemask from the ones that you keep in the fridge? i would double check with them


Well-known member
Re: Lush

Yeah it's the fresh face masks which have about 5/6 uses in them that you get for free
I'd recommend Love Lettuce or Cupcake for oily skin.


Well-known member
Re: Lush

I am using Fresh Farmacy ever morning now since two weeks and my skin has become so much better!
Love it.

Steel Magnolia

Well-known member
Re: Lush

Had a nice lush haul today!

Yummy yummy yummy shower gel
The Blonde solid shampoo
Strawberry feels forever massage bar
Wiccy magic beans massage bar (free tin)
Large buffy (I keep running out!)
Aqua Mirabilis (free tin)
More rockstar soap
Sultana of soap
Bohemian soap
Ice blue soap
Demon in the dark soap
Dream Cream
Charity Pot
Marilyn hair treatment

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