Right now my life evolves around arranging finance to feed my compulsive lush and mac addiction (that being said however, my skin has never been so smooth and soft). There are just so many lush products that I purchase regularly and can’t live without – aqua mirabilis, sweet japanese girl, fig & leaves, alkmaar, gratuitous violets, smitten, sympathy for the skin, american cream, retread, imperialis, cupcake mask, love lettuces mask, oceansalt.
I also adore the smell of aqua marina but I think it’s responsible for breaking me out. Ditto for enzymion.
I’ve also got my mom hooked. Few weeks back I treated her to a large bottle of coolaulin, which she loves. But just yesterday I spied her borrowing from my american cream stash. So I hid the snowcake stash. Heehee!