This is prolly gonna sound so awful but please don't take it personally ladies (this is ONLY from what I've experienced at the 2 counters I've been at and the most awesome 2 ppl thats EVER served me... )
But I personally like "my" gay guys or "inbetweeners" (if you get what I mean, between surgeries I guess... man I sound like a b *tch)
But From my experiences, gay guys can be much friendlier compared to the chicks I've been in contact with, the GGs get quite excited showing you products (esp. the new stuff) that makes you get excited along with them and make you laugh and really get into the products whereas I've had girls completely seemingly "uninterested" in what they're selling me, or what I'm looking at and just stand around waiting for me to hurry up, GGs help me, tell me exactly what would like nice and (sometimes a lil' bluntly) what is NOT going to work, again, some chicks just tell you anything to make a sale, ya know what I mean...
Thats why I prefer going to the Gay Guys. They're AWESOME!!!
Just girls, don't take it personally, I realise not every chick is like that, just most ones I've met.