Originally Posted by MACreation As far as the MA she was in a hurry, and I have NEVER had a problem getting the wrong things there, since i have always pointed to and named exactly what i wanted. It wasn't me being a "prima dona" or a bitch... only because i wanted to make it about me, an had a bad experience in the process. |
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat Maybe you're asking about products they don't sell at counters or freestanding stores, (for example, the black CCB is a Pro product, I believe). Most MAC employees are not addicts to the degree we are and can't be expected to know the full range MAC have ever sold, in minute detail, especially if it's a product not sold at their location. Given the rate that MAC bring out new stuff, most of which is LE, you'd have to be super-human or seriously addicted to keep up with it all! |
Originally Posted by Piaqua Agree with Juneplum and Turbokittykat... however, I feel that an MA should at least take the time to know the products that are sold where she works (ie, if she works at a counter, it's cool if perhaps she doesnt know a lot about Pro products, but hopefully she'll know what paints are). I've found that occasionally an MA at my counter won't know what I mean, but it's usually because she's new, or its a rarely used product for them (people in Syracuse seem to have strange tastes in what they'll buy from MAC, sometimes I'll ask for something, and the MAs are like "Oh my god, I'm SO glad someone finally asked about this! I love it, but no one ever wants it!" LOL). I try to be patient if someone doesn't know what they're talking about. I do my best to explain it thoroughly. Hey, I'd rather have an informed MA, even if I have to inform her myself, than one left clueless because I was too annoyed she didn't know a product to explain it to her at all. |
Originally Posted by brandi but when they dont know that some pimgents are not eye safe... i got a prob. there... |
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower I understand all the points made and i would never expect an SA to know things as much as us addicts do but i have recieved consistently bad service at my counter, and mine is a regular counter and i have only ever asked about the normal permenant products and only simple things which i'm afraid i see as their job, like knowing that MAC sell Paints especially when i clearly point them out. And yes it is just a regular job to most of them but the job IS to know basic knowledge about the permenant products, that's what they're there for otherwise they could just hire anyone who can use a cash machine. By basic knowledge i mean the names and that they even exist. I don't expect them to know the name of every single e/s in the permenant range and never ask them anything stupidly detailed or something that i know people like us only know about but believe me my counter leaves you feeling frustrated time and time again with some of the SAs due to the lack of any interest in their job or lack of any knowledge. Their job is to give me the brush i want, nevermind that the SA can't show me how to use it, but please find it for me from the shelf atleast after i've given you the exact brush name and number by even making an effort to read the numbers on the side of the brushes on the shelf even if you can't recognise them from the way they look so i can buy it! It's a little disappointing when she doesn't know what is what but then can't be bothered to even do something to find it from where the staff are only allowed and tells me to do it! |